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Very curious were the memories that passed through Juanna's mind as she stood by her husband's side in the little grass-roofed chapel of Blantyre, for was this not the third time that she had been married, and now only of her own free will?

Tonia Perez, the girl who loved the Cisco Kid, was half Carmen, half Madonna, and the rest oh, yes, a woman who is half Carmen and half Madonna can always be something more the rest, let us say, was humming-bird. She lived in a grass-roofed /jacal/ near a little Mexican settlement at the Lone Wolf Crossing of the Frio.

Against the blackness of the night, grass-roofed houses stood outlined in the dim light of a bonfire; and squatting around that fire, unclad save for gay blankets wrapped about their shoulders, were brown-skinned men smoking long pipes, while women bedecked with bright beads were spinning cotton.

If, in addition to this, you have to wait, as very often must be the case, for many hours after your own arrival, wet, tired, hungry, until the baggage-train, with the tents and food, shall have come up, with no alternative in the meantime but to lie shivering inside a grass-roofed church, or to share the quarters of some farmer's family, whose domestic arrangements resemble in every particular those which Macaulay describes as prevailing among the Scottish Highlanders a hundred years ago; and, if finally after vainly waiting for some days to see an eruption which never takes place you journey back to Reykjavik under the same melancholy conditions, it will not be unnatural that, on returning to your native land, you should proclaim Iceland, with her Geysirs, to be a sham, a delusion, and a snare!

The man whose boy had been shot down beside the little grass-roofed barn was the last to leave. "I'll stick to it for a year, Alan, if you think it's any use," he said. He was a gaunt man, with sunken cheeks and weary eyes; gray, worn, unwashed, and old; one of the earth's disinherited who believed that he had come into his rood of land at last.

She lived in a grass-roofed jacal near a little Mexican settlement at the Lone Wolf Crossing of the Frio . With her lived a father or grandfather, a lineal Aztec, somewhat less than a thousand years old, who herded a hundred goats and lived in a continuous drunken dream from drinking mescal . Back of the jacal a tremendous forest of bristling pear, twenty feet high at its worst, crowded almost to its door.

"Be quiet," I whispered back, "and stop nosing at those planks." But to myself I thought, Hans is right, we are in a nest of slave-traders, and this Hassan is their leader. We rowed past the island, on which I observed the ruins of an old Portuguese fort and some long grass-roofed huts, where, I reflected, the slaves were probably kept until they could be shipped away.

Low, grass-roofed dugouts also were to be seen at times, but, generally speaking, the view presented almost nothing but an endless vista of rolling, baked plain, covered with scattering grass and dusty gray sage. And then, far ahead, a dim blue line against the horizon, the mountains appeared.

Then the magic lantern was removed to the little grass-roofed stable, in which dwelt a solitary pony, and by Edwards's direction the focus was carefully set so that it would throw a picture against the house. Edwards selected two pictures and adjusted them for use in the two tubes.

Its purpose was to afford a meeting place for the people of the town and to give them an opportunity for outdoor sports. It purchased a hundred acres of land on which a low assessment had been placed in view of the semipublic purpose which it was to serve. At the outset the "club house" was a rude, grass-roofed shed made of pine slabs.