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Grate four stale lady fingers, add and bake slowly for one hour at least. Take six eggs, seven tablespoons of granulated sugar, seven tablespoons of bread crumbs, one-eighth pound of chopped almonds, one-half teaspoon of allspice, one tablespoon of jelly, grated rind and juice of one lemon, one teaspoon of cinnamon, one-half teaspoon of cloves, one-half wine glass of brandy.

Stir until the sugar is dissolved, take from the fire, and, when cold, add the remaining cream and vanilla, and freeze. This quantity will serve six persons. CARAMEL ICE CREAM, No. 2 1 quart of cream 1 pint of milk 1/2 cupful of brown sugar 1/2 pound of granulated sugar 2 teaspoonfuls of vanilla Put the brown sugar in a frying pan over the fire, shake it until it melts, burns and smokes.

Just a moment before taking the pan out of the oven sprinkle the surface of the cookies lightly with granulated sugar. When a little cool take the cookies out of the pan with the pancake turner and lay them on a big platter. When they are cold put the cookies in a stone crock.

After being separated from these impurities the sago is dried, and then granulated by passing it through perforated plates till it becomes smooth and polished like so many pearls, when it is packed in boxes and bags for sale. We did not see the process that day, of course, but afterward at the large factory on the river a few miles above the settlement.

The flower beds are that full now abody can hardly get in to weed 'em still." "All right, I won't. But I think it's nice to have lots and lots of flowers. When I have a garden once I'll have it full " "Talk of that some other day," said her aunt. "Get ready now for town once. You go to the store and ask 'em to send out twenty pounds of granulated sugar.

From MRS. H.J. PETO, of Arizona, Alternate Lady Manager Wash the berries carefully and drain in a colander. For each quart of fruit add two cups granulated sugar and one-half cup of pure cider vinegar. Put all in a porcelain lined sauce pan, set on the stove and scald thoroughly; then add one-half dozen cloves and one and one-half ounces stick cinnamon for each quart of berries.

Granulated like a living fibre, yet susceptible of a delicate polish, it can imitate the actual substance of human flesh, with its alternations of opacity and luminousness; it can reproduce, beneath the varied strokes of the chisel, the grain, running now one way, now another, which is given to the porous skin by the close-packed bone and muscle below.

The United States, more like England than Scotland, has used oats mostly for feed. The crop is second only to the corn-crop. Oats are eaten in the form of oatmeal, which is a finely granulated meal, and as the common rolled oats which have been steamed and put through rollers. There is little oat flour on the market at present.

The clerk's courteous, "What can I do for you?" bewildered her for an instant but she swallowed hard and said, "Why, we want twenty pounds of granulated sugar; ourn is almost all and Aunt Maria wants to make some strawberry jelly to-morrow. She said for Jonas to fetch it along on his home road." "All right. Out to Jacob Metz?" "Yes, he's my pop." "I see. Anything else?"

Slice into receiving dish, weigh one pound of fine granulated sugar and sprinkle it all over the apple, and so on until all are pared and sliced, allowing one pound of sugar to each very large pineapple.