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"I promise." "Well, he's he's kissed her." Richard Pinckney leaned forward in his chair. He seemed very much disturbed in his mind. "Does she care for him?" "I don't believe she does yet. They always begin like that; girls don't know their minds till all of a sudden they find some man who does." "Well, let's hope she never cares for Silas Grangerson," said he rising from his chair.

He killed his poor wife, and Dick Grangerson would never have gone off and got drowned only for him Oh, he's not so bad," turning to Phyl, "he's good enough only for that will fight." "Too much pep," said Pinckney. "I'm sure I don't know what it is. They're the queerest lot the Almighty ever put feet on, and I don't mind saying it, even though they are relatives." Turning to Phyl.

The story as told by Miss Pinckney was quite simple and without any dark patches, and no man, one might fancy, could find cause for offence in it. Miss Pinckney, however, was quite unconscious of the fact that Silas Grangerson had attempted to take Richard Pinckney's life on the night of the Rhetts' dance.

"Do you know what Silas Grangerson asked me to-night?" she said. "No." "He asked me were you engaged to her." "Phyl?" "Miss Berknowles. I don't know her well enough to call her Phyl." "He asked you that?" "Yes, said every one was talking of it, and the last time he saw you together you looked like an engaged couple the way you were carrying on."

Perfect love casteth out fear, even fear of the supernatural, even fear of Fate. "Richard," said Miss Pinckney that night, finding herself alone with him, "that Silas Grangerson is in town and I want you to beware of him." "Silas," said he, "why I saw him at the club, he's gone back home by this, I expect, at least he said he was going back to-night. Why should I beware of him?"

The spirit of Vernons, the calm sweet soul of the place, that seemed to hold the past and the present, Juliet and herself, peace and happiness with the promise of all good things in the future, this spirit rose up against Silas Grangerson as though he were the antagonist to happiness and peace, Juliet and herself, the present and the past. Rose up, without prevailing entirely.

Miss Pinckney without dropping the duster stood silent for a moment before Rachel. Then she broke out. "Miss Phyl run off with young Silas Grangerson! What on earth are you talking about, what rubbish is this, who's dared to come here talking such nonsense? Go on what more have you to say?" Rachel had a lot to say. Phyl had met Silas on the road beyond the town.

She had a vague sort of idea that they were running away to be married, that she would have to explain things to Colonel Grangerson when they got to the house and that things would arrange themselves somehow.

She had slept scarcely at all during the night, and her feelings towards Silas Grangerson, now that she was beyond his reach, were alternating in the strangest way between attraction and repulsion.

She was running away out of anger against the woman who had taken Richard. She was running away because of pique, anger and the reckless craving to smash everything and dash everything to pieces but to marry Silas Grangerson! "Stop!" cried Phyl. Silas glanced sideways at her. "What's the matter now?" "I want to go back." "Back to Charleston!"