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"I kyant stan' de goin's on. I gwine ter pieces ev'y day en nights git'n wusser'n de days. De gust ober en you bettah light out. Ef Zany missed dey come yere lookin' fer her."

"From Hudsondale to Highvale, and right on down the west bank of the river to New York." Lou sat back on her heels reflectively. "All right," she said at last. "I ain't ever figgered on goin's far as New York, but I might as well go there as anywhere, and I guess I kin keep up with you now your back's kinder sprained. We'll go along together." James Botts gulped.

He's an official of the Alaska Commercial and just has to get in. He's bid up to six hundred to go with me in our boat. Now the passage is yours. You sell it to him, poke the six hundred into your jeans, and pull South for California while the goin's good. You can be in Dyea in two days, and in California in a week more. What d'ye say?"

"Which o' your ears is burning?" "Both." "Then it shu'd be the left ear only. Old Zeb, here " "Hush 'ee now, Prudy!" implored the crowder. " Old Zeb here," continued Prudy, relentlessly, "was only a-sayin', as you walked in, that he'd read you the Riot Act afore you was many days older. He's mighty fierce wi' your goin's on, I 'sure 'ee." "Is that so, Mr. Minards?" Mr.

After a while he came over and stood beside me. "It ain't right," he whispered. "Ah tell you, boy, it ain't right." "What's not right?" I asked. "De goin's on aboa'd dis ship." "What goings on?"

I zee 'un!" roared Rabbits-Eggs, now that he had found a visible foe another shot from the darkness above. "Yiss, yeou, yeou long-nosed, fower-eyed, gingy-whiskered beggar! Yeu'm tu old for such goin's on. Aie! Poultice yeour nose, I tall 'ee! Poultice yeour long nose!" Beetle's heart leaped up within him. Somewhere, somehow, he knew, Stalky moved behind these manifestations.

Some. Not so damn much, either, if you look at my side. Better get up the horses, Al, and you'n the boys take the trail. The kid's right. The goin's dern good, right now. Better'n what it will be." In the scuffed sand before the corral gate Tom made a small fire, with a few crumpled papers and one small book, which he tore apart and fed, leaf by leaf, to the flames.

Mebbee he heard afterwards suthin' about the goin's on up yar. Mebbee he heard suthin' o' property bein' converted into ready cash sich property ez horses, guns, and sich! Mebbee he heard o' gay and festive doin's chickin every day, fresh eggs, butcher's meat, port wine, and sich! Mebbee he allowed that his chances o' gettin' his own honest grub outer his debt was lookin' mighty slim!

Her moder used ter be mighty keerful on her, but 'twan't nothin' 'pared ter Mas'r Graham's goin's on." Jinny had never heard of Baron Munchausen, but her accounts of foreign experiences and scenes were much after the type of that famous raconteur; and by each repetition her stories seemed to make a portentous growth. There was, however, a residuum of truth in all her marvels.