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She became famous in literature as well as music, her poems being rated highly, while her libretto to the opera, "Gli Amante di Teruele," is ranked as one of the best ever written. She has published a number of songs, besides an excellent vocal method and piano instruction book. Teresa Carreño, so well known in Europe and America, is a native of Venezuela, being born at Caracas in 1853.

It was again to be a ballet, 'Gli Uomini di Prometeo." Then follow remarks upon the ballet, closing thus: "On the 'Prometheus' he had tried the strength of his pinions; in the first symphony, 'Grande Sinfonie, Op. 21, he floated calmly upon them at those heights where the spirit of Mozart had rested." No, Herr Professor Marx, your pretty fancy is without basis.

She was recalled by hearing a very faint voice singing, scarcely more than humming, beneath her. "Oh, dolce luna bianca de l' Estate Mi fugge il sonno accanto a la marina: Mi destan le dolcissime serate Gli occhi di Rosa e il mar di Mergellina." It was the same song that Artois had heard that day as he leaned on the balcony of the Ristorante della Stella.

Legato che era qua, sebbene sua Excellentia tastandolo sopra cio gli ne abbia facto offerta." What is of great importance to students of the history of the Borgias is that this was the first occasion on which the accusation of incest was raised. Of course it persisted; such a charge could not do otherwise.

Her eyes are too lofty, gli occhi azzurri!! It is true; stood she there, who would look at the blessed saints? Ah! you have a fair face, but it is traditrice!"

Cagnolo da Parma will say of her, when she goes to Ferrara, that she has 'il naso profilato e bello, li capelli aurei, gli occhi bianchi, la bocea alquanto grande con li denti candiaissimi. Literature will portray this sweet-faced little blond girl as a Messalina, a poisoner, and incestuous with her brothers and her father.

Notwithstanding, in case of such a manifest ignorance or cowardice as exceeds all ordinary example, 'tis but reason to take it for a sufficient proof of treachery and malice, and for such to be punished. "Basti al nocchiero ragionar de' venti, Al bifolco dei tori; et le sue piaghe Conti'l guerrier; conti'l pastor gli armenti."

Nay, the glory of her, felt so really while reading the few, meagre words in the book, is stored away in our heart, and clothes with a faint aureole the lady if ever in our life we chance to meet her in whom, though Dante tells us nothing of stature, features, eyes or hair, we seem to recognize a likeness to her on whose passage "ogni lingua divien tremando muta, e gli occhi non ardiscon di guardare."

He says, after speaking of marooning in Hayti, "Vi sono molti Spagnuoli che tengono per cosa certa che quest' Isola in breve tempo sara posseduta da questi Mori. Et per tanto gli governatori tengono grandissima vigilanza" etc.: "There are many Spaniards who hold it for certain that in a brief time this island will fall into the hands of the Africans.

"Gli occhi di ch' io parlai." Those eyes, 'neath which my passionate rapture rose, The arms, hands, feet, the beauty that erewhile Could my own soul from its own self beguile, And in a separate world of dreams enclose, The hair's bright tresses, full of golden glows, And the soft lightning of the angelic smile That changed this earth to some celestial isle, Are now but dust, poor dust, that nothing knows.