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You may as well make up your mind to it, Mrs. Faith. Gazell doesn't understand the little fellow's constitution, and Halt doesn't understand anything." Now it was that, as I had expected, the mother turned upon me with all a mother's hopeless and heart-breaking want of logic. Surely, I, and only I, could save the boy. Why, I had always taken care of Charley!

The monkey, called cynocephalus, plunders the harvests, the vultures attack the sick animals, the striped hyoena and the leopard prowl about the villages during the night; but the cattle are extremely beautiful, and the fish make the sea on this coast boil, and foam by their extraordinary numbers. The hare of the Cape and the gazell are frequently met with.

The thought of my helplessness to justify such trust smote me sorely; but I said nothing then to undeceive her, how could I? and we made haste together to the bedside of the injured child. I saw at a glance that the child was in a bad case. Halt was there, and Dr. Gazell; they were consulting gloomily.

While she stood there she had a rapt, high look of such sort that I could in no wise have addressed her. "Are you sure, Dr. Gazell?" asked Halt. "I think so," said Gazell. He stooped, after a moment's hesitation, and picked up the phial from the floor, read its label; laid it down, looked at the child, and hesitated again.

If the rest of you will do your share in proportion" "Dr. Thorne has always been a little too personal, in this matter," said Gazell, reddening; he did not look at me, for embarrassment, but addressed the chairman of the meeting with a vague air of being in earnest, if any one could be got to believe it. "No doubt about that," said one of the staff in an undertone.

I would rather have had the power to turn those two men out of the room, and pour the saving remedy upon my little patient's burning tongue with my own flesh-and-blood fingers, and a hearty objurgation on the professional blunder which I had come in time to rectify. "Dr. Halt," said Dr. Gazell, slowly, "with your approval I think I will change my mind. On the whole, the indications point to this.

"This institution had seven hundred more applicants than it could accommodate last year. We are not chartered to turn away suffering. We exist to relieve it. It is our business to find the means to do so, as much as it is to find the true remedy for the individual case. It is" "It is an act of financial folly," interrupted my most systematic professional enemy, a certain Dr. Gazell.

She had now moved to the bedside, and taken the little fellow in her arms. "You are not as I," I replied morosely. "We differed and we differ. Truly, I believe that if there is anything to be done for your boy, it rests with you, and not with me." Halt and Gazell were now consulting in an undertone, touching the selection of a certain remedy; no one noticed them, and they droned on.