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The ends of these shafts were attached to saddles, on each of the animals. Thus the patient was borne by a gentle, swinging motion, over the roughest paths. In four days they reached Gaunt's camp. The whole united party set out for the lovely region to which we have before alluded, known as the Great Park.

"We'll miss them yet!" firing after him with an oath. The pistol missed, flashed in the pan. "Wet!" dashing it on the ground. "Fire, Gaunt! quick!" The man looked round; he ran lamely, a thick, burly figure, a haggard face. Gaunt's pistol fell. Dode's father! the only man that loved him! "Damn you!" shouted Dyke, "are you going to shirk?" Why, this was the work!

I might have lost, and lived been deeper in Gaunt's clutches than ever, then. As it is, I'm going beyond beyond his reach for good and all. Which is the purest bit of luck I ever had. Lift me up a little will you, Beverley? Deuced fine day, b'gad! And how green the grass is never saw it so green before probably because never troubled to look though, was always so deuced busy, b'gad!

You remember Gaunt's thing in the same play: "This royal throne of kings, this sceptre'd isle, This other Eden, demi-paradise.... This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea.... This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England...." She nodded again. He saw that her dear eyes were brimming. She said, "Yes yes. Our England.

In this room was John of Gaunt's suit, indicating a man seven feet high, and the armor seems to bear the marks of much wear; but this may be owing to great scrubbing, throughout the centuries since John of Gaunt died. There, too, we saw the cloak in which Wolfe fell, on the Plains of Abraham, a coarse, faded, threadbare, light-colored garment, folded up under a glass case.

Mary, a confraternity which paid for, and probably worked at, the glorious task. Its local habitation was possibly that now called John of Gaunt's stables, but anyhow it stood good for a thousand marks a year. A mark is thirteen and fourpence; and six hundred and sixty six pounds odd, in days when an ox cost three shillings and a sheep fourpence was a handsome sum.

"After all, Beverley, they aren't mine, you see." "Not yours?" "No. They're his!" "You mean Gaunt's?" The Captain nodded gloomily. "Yes," said he, "my horses are his, my curricle's his, my clothes are his everything's his. So am I, b'gad! Oh, you needn't look so infernal incredulous fact, I assure you.

If the poles are long they will act as springs, especially when the wood used is of a kind which has considerable elasticity. Having arranged everything to the satisfaction and comfort of the wounded men, the party commenced their march and in four days reached Gaunt's camp where they rested until the wounded men had nearly recovered.

This keep is known as "John of Gaunt's Chair," and commands a fine view of the surrounding country and far away across the sea to the distant outlines of the Isle of Man. This famous castle, partly modernized, is now used for the county jail and courts, the prison-chapel being in the keep.

In the town several large manufactories attest the presiding genius of Lancashire, and the inn is the comfortable and old-fashioned King's Arms described by Dickens. Let us go off from the Lancashire coast to that strange island which lies in the sea midway between England, Scotland, and Ireland, and whose bold shores are visible from "John of Gaunt's Chair."