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When we come to speak of the starry heavens we shall see that there are many masses of glowing gas which are nebulæ of the same sort, and which form an object-lesson in our own history. We have spoken rather lightly of the nebula rotating and throwing off planets; but we must not think of all this as having happened in a short time.

"Of course... My time is my own. We have no matinee, and I have nothing to do except in the evening." They had reached her home. It looked very dark and very uninviting. She shivered as she took her latchkey from the bag which she was carrying. "Come in with me, please, while I light the gas," she begged. "It looks so dreary, doesn't it?"

Our concierge and his wife walked among them, with their black poodle, keeping order; some couples were waltzing on the side-walk. I returned their greetings and hurried in. All the inhabitants of the court had trooped out into the street. The place was quite deserted, lighted by a few lanterns hung high up, in which the gas burned dimly.

I, mindful of the lights said to have been seen emanating from that room, had taken away the key from the internal tap, so that gas could not be used without my knowledge or the possession of a second key. Therefore, as I have said, it was no surprise to me to find the library in darkness. Nor could I say the fact of the light flaring, apparently, from a closely-shut-up room surprised me either.

He dwells upon the elasticity and inflammability of coal-gas; and remarked, that it retains these properties after passing through a great quantity of water. The man who first applied the inflammability of gas to the purposes of illumination, was Mr. Murdoch.

Hence, if we wish to retain the foregoing comparison with a plant of the present day, we must remember that it is not a solid plant organism which we have to consider, but an air or gas form, the movements of which may be compared with the circulation of the sap in plants of to-day. The evolution thus indicated continues.

Black, he had become imbued with the enthusiasm of his teacher, continuing Black's investigations as to the properties of carbonic-acid gas when free and in combination.

This species of aerial car was lined with strong springs and partitions to deaden the shock of departure. It was provided with food for a year, water for some months, and gas for some days. A self-acting apparatus supplied the three travelers with air to breathe.

Most people fancied that a telephone system was practically the same as a gas or electric light system, which can often be duplicated with the result of cheaper rates and better service. They did not for years discover that two telephone companies in one city means either half service or double cost, just as two fire departments or two post offices would.

"And the roll is like the origin of noise," suggested Grace. "Now, Weasie, what do you see that looks like like the original public service telephone company, or the first gas and electric plant? Don't you think those glints of color and sparks of foam may be our first sulphur springs?"