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To-day capital and labor will demand of his successor that his heart and mind be in accord with the program carried to fruition in his six years as Governor. There are other points in his service, briefly covered here, in these lists: Laws Pertaining to Business A public utilities law providing property re-valuation as a basis for rate making.

She felt full of hope that somehow in what way she could not say this auspicious beginning would end in a full fruition of all her wishes, an answer to all her prayers. "Well, child," said old Elsie, "you must have slept well; you look fresh as a lark." "The air of this holy place revives me," said Agnes, with enthusiasm. "I wish I could say as much," said Elsie.

The two acts of Washington, thus associated, were but the fruition of deliberate plans which were formulated in the trenches about Boston.

They inculcated with becoming diligence, that the fire of martyrdom supplied every defect and expiated every sin; that while the souls of ordinary Christians were obliged to pass through a slow and painful purification, the triumphant sufferers entered into the immediate fruition of eternal bliss, where, in the society of the patriarchs, the apostles, and the prophets, they reigned with Christ, and acted as his assessors in the universal judgment of mankind.

Already we cannot fail to see how difficult it is to get more than a minimum of conscious fruition out of a too complex and rapid activity. One other point is worth noticing before we close. How is this turmoil of modern existence impressing itself upon the physical constitutions of modern men and women?

The only conclusion from this attitude of the Chita Government is that they lacked a sincere effort to bring the negotiations to fruition, and the Japanese Government instructed its delegates to quit Dairen. The Russian official account is given by The Times immediately below the above. It is as follows: On April 16th the Japanese broke up the Dairen Conference with the Far Eastern Republic.

Fountains of Summer, Autumn and Winter, by the same sculptor as Spring, just described, are similarly installed in their respective niches in the Court of Four Seasons. In "Summer" is represented the earth's early fruition. A young mother lifts her new-born babe for its father's kiss. A gleaner harvests the grain. Over all is a gentle solemnity.

"I am so wonderfully happy about Uncle David and Aunt Margaret, and I know Uncle Jimmie needs Aunt Gertrude and has always needed her. Did my going away help those things to their fruition? I hope so. "I can not bear to think of Aunt Beulah, but I know that I must bear to think of her, and face the pain of having hurt her as I must face every other thing that comes into my life from this hour.

And his wife was, as far as he knew, all that he desired. He had not dabbled much in the fountains of Venus, though he had forgotten himself once, and sinned in coveting another man's wife. But his sin then had hardly polluted his natural character, and his desire had been of a kind which was almost more gratified in its disappointment than it would have been in its fruition.