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I always had my suspicions, and it was a relief to find that they were not without foundation. You will now relieve me of your unwelcome presence in this house." This time Mrs. Franklyn-Haldene leveled her arm toward the door; the right was with her. "In a moment," said a third voice, masculine. Mrs. Franklyn-Haldene's arm dropped. Patty turned with a low cry.

Franklyn-Haldene, who is visiting in Washington, will return next week. May 13 Mrs. Franklyn-Haldene has returned home from a delightful visit in Washington. Sometimes, when there was no escape from it, Mr. Franklyn-Haldene's name also appeared. From mundane things to the spiritual! "Yes, I feel for Mrs. Bennington," continued Mrs. Haldene.

Franklyn-Haldene's lips where she had secured her information. She would do more than that; she would make her prove every word of it. So Patty marched toward the Haldene place, marched, because that verb suggests something warlike, something belligerent. And there was war a-plenty in Patty's heart. Each step she took sang out a sharp "Meddler-gossip! meddler-gossip!"

So she avoided the possibility of meeting these friends by declining all invitations of a formal character. Perhaps after a time it would die of its own accord, to be recalled in after years by another generation, as such things generally are. Patty derived no comfort from the paragraph in the Sunday papers announcing Mrs. Franklyn-Haldene's departure for Egypt, to remain for the winter.

Day after day she waited for the blow to fall, for the tide of scandal to roll over her and obliterate her. She was worldly enough to know that Mrs. Franklyn-Haldene was not the kind of woman to keep such a scandal under lock and key; others must know, Mrs. Franklyn-Haldene's particular friends.

Franklyn-Haldene's, she stepped toward the desk; then, in a flash, she seized one of the sheets of note-paper that lay scattered about. Mrs. Franklyn Haldene made a desperate effort to intercept Patty; but Patty was young, slender and agile. She ran quickly to the nearest window and compared the written sheet with the blank.

Franklyn-Haldene's voice rose a key. She swept majestically toward the door. Patty stepped bravely in front of her. "Have you no breeding?" the storm in Mrs. Franklyn-Haldene's voice gathering. "Who told you that my brother's wife was formerly " "Stand aside!" "I shall not leave this house or your presence till you have answered," replied the little paladin.

Franklyn-Haldene's beak-like nose! Busybody, meddler! "I never suspected John had such good sense." "You are very fortunate," said Mrs. Franklyn-Haldene. She smiled, nodded, and passed on into the street. A truce! Mr. Franklyn-Haldene, as he entered the carriage after his wife, savagely bit off the end of a cigar. "What the devil's the matter with you women, anyhow?" he demanded. "Franklyn!"

She had always scorned to listen to the truth about people, had she? And well she might! Mrs. Franklyn-Haldene's lips tightened. Those friends of hers who had doubted would presently doubt no more. She hadn't the slightest idea how McQuade would use his information; she didn't even care, so long as he used it. She grew indignant. The idea of that woman's posing as she did!