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"Did you see the Haldens on the train, Frad?" asked Patricia as she and David were talking aside by the studio window while Elinor was welcoming Tom Hughes and Griffin, Margaret Howes and Mr. Spicer, who had all arrived in a bunch, Tom having lagged behind to get a big sheaf of roses for Elinor, whom he admired immensely.

I can't ever feel sure of what is his right name now. We knew him as David Carson for so long, and now that he wants to be called by his real name, I simply get more twisted all the time." "That's why I call him Frad," said Patricia, with a twinkle. "Combines the whole and is entirely original, and so suited to his situation.

Don't you fret about me." He dropped her hand at the obsequious voice of the waiter at his elbow. "Do you wish to order, sir?" After the man had gone, Patricia, who had flushed, suddenly giggled. "Did you see him looking at us, Frad?" she asked, in an undertone. "He thought he'd caught us holding hands, like regular grown-up spoons!" "Stuff and nonsense!" growled David, hotly.

Hilton, Griffin, Margaret Howes, Herbert Lester and David officially known as Francis Edward, but particularly recognized by his twin as Frad all sat at the same rose-decked table with Patricia, and, as Griffin put it, they made the other tables look "like thirty cents in pennies."

She's taken me in, all right." "She had your room all fixed with the best covers, but Elinor persuaded her to reconsider it," smiled Patricia. "You're going to be as much at home as any of us, Frad dear, and I'm glad the time will soon be here for your school to shut up and let you come H-O-M-E, home." The clock on St. Francis' tower boomed the hour.

"I don't believe I'll tell anyone until I see what I can do," she decided. "I'd love to surprise Francis Edward David Carson Kendall, otherwise known as Frad, but I'll wait till I know whether it is to be the sort of surprise he'd welcome before I spring it on him.

She caught his hand under the table in a quick squeeze, while Elinor hurried into comparisons that claimed Judith's and Tom's close attention. "I'm a horrid pig to forget," she whispered contritely. "Don't be cross, Frad dear; you know how sorry I am." David gave an answering squeeze that brought the tears to her eyes, as he whispered in return, "That's all right, old lady.

The sun was slanting brightly in over the table and fell across the pile of letters with a prophetic shimmer, making the little red and green patches of the stamps flame into gay prominence. Patricia sorted them over rapidly before Elinor had reached the table. "Here's one for you from Frad," she announced, "and one for me from Miss Jinny, and there are two for Judy from Rockham looks like Mrs.