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Grimstone certainly did not seem in a very receptive mood for confidences just then. No flys were to be seen, which he took as a personal outrage, and visited upon the station-master in hot indignation. "It's scandalous, I tell you," he was saying: "scandalous! No cabs to meet the train. My school reassembles to-day, and here I find no arrangements made for their accommodation!

One of the best of physicians our city has ever known, is kind, cheerful, merry Doctor Brighton. Hail, thou purveyor of shrimps and honest prescriber of Southdown mutton! There is no mutton so good as Brighton mutton; no flys so pleasant as Brighton flys; nor any cliff so pleasant to ride on; no shops so beautiful to look at as the Brighton gimcrack shops, and the fruit shops, and the market.

"Nor 'flys," she said. Lady Casterley saw that she had closed her eyes and opened her lips. And she thought: "She's a very beautiful girl. I had no idea she was so beautiful but too big!" And she added aloud: "Shut your mouth! You will get one down!" They spoke no more till they had entered the avenue; then Lady Casterley said sharply: "Who is this coming down the drive?" "Mr. Courtier, I think."

The former had generally some commissions that she wished to have executed at the Towers, or in the town; and no one could do them so well as Clare, who was acquainted with all the tastes and ways of the countess. These commissions were the cause of various bills for flys and cars from the 'George' Inn. Mr.

The passengers stumbled across the line in a small flock to the point of exit. We had been strongly recommended to the Hôtel d'Europe, as strongly cautioned against any other; but we found that the omnibus was not at the station; nor any flys; nothing but the omnibus of a small hotel we had never heard of, in charge of a conductor, rough, uncivil, and less than half sober.

"It would be as well to know their name," he said, as he sauntered after her trailing skirts. "Cadwallader Miss Martina B. Cadwallader that is the aunt, and Miss Corrisande K. Trumpet that is the niece," said Lady Grenellen, stalking ahead. The windows of the long gallery where we were all sitting looked onto the court-yard, and two flys passed the angle of the turret.

In imitation of greater cities with their festivals, these three towns had agreed to have an annual ball for the benefit of the county hospital to be held in turn at each place; and Hollingford was to be the place this year. It was a fine time for hospitality, and every house of any pretension was as full as it could hold, and flys were engaged long months before. If Mrs.

Well, Laura, off we all set into the kitchen, and sent off the hired men with the flys, and every servant we had in the house, male or female and Grand's men too excepting sister's little maid to attend to Dorothea. They went with messages and letters and telegrams right and left, to prevent the disgrace of any more people coming to look at us.

Further back towards the inn-yard, stablemen were putting in the horses for starting the flys and coaches to Les Ifs, the nearest railway-station. 'Suppose the Somersets should be going off by one of these conveyances, said Mrs. Goodman as she sipped her tea. 'Well, aunt, then they must, replied the younger lady with composure.