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Bultitude cold thrills. "I suppose that's 'Connie Davenant," he thought, shocked beyond measure as she caught his eye and coughed demurely for about the fourth time. "A very forward young person! I think somebody ought to speak seriously to her father." "Good gracious! she's writing something on the flyleaf of her prayer-book," he said to himself presently.

"They are real, too. It's all real!" she cried. "I am NOT I am NOT dreaming!" She almost staggered to the books and opened the one which lay upon the top. Something was written on the flyleaf just a few words, and they were these: "To the little girl in the attic. From a friend." When she saw that wasn't it a strange thing for her to do she put her face down upon the page and burst into tears.

Thus, on the flyleaf of his journal for the year 1818, he writes: "Lord, let me strengthen myself in the idea that I have conceived of the deliverance of humanity by the holy sacrifice of Thy Son. Grant that I may be a Christ of Germany, and that, like and through Jesus, I may be strong and patient in suffering."

"That's a dandy. But Mr. Damon didn't give you THIS one," and Ned picked up a dainty volume of verse. "'To Tom Swift, with the best wishes of Mary " but that was as far as he read, for Tom grabbed the book away, and closed the cover over the flyleaf, which bore some writing in a girl's hand. I think my old readers can guess whose hand it was. "Wow! Tom Swift reading poetry!" laughed Ned.

Crossing the room, he took out a dumpy Bible, which, sure enough, bore on the flyleaf the inscription: 'To Matthew Fell, from his Loving Godmother, Anne Aldous, 2 September 1659. 'It would be no bad plan to test him again, Mr Crome. I will wager we get a couple of names in the Chronicles. H'm! what have we here? "Thou shalt seek me in the morning, and I shall not be." Well, well!

His chapel gifts to his family have been examined, but though there is a book of devotion, "The Anchor of Faith," it contains no other signature than the presentation on a flyleaf.

She was all the more pleased that Collie should act so admirably. She had loaned him books, some of which he had read faithfully and intelligently. In secret he had kissed her name written on the flyleaf of each of them. He knew himself to be good-looking and not altogether a barbarian. No morbid hopelessness clouded his broad horizon. He knew himself and cherished his strength and his optimism.

From Captain Putnam came a handsome morris chair, and Songbird sent in a beautifully-bound volume of household poetry, with a poem of his own on the flyleaf. The students of Brill sent in a fine oil painting in a gold frame, and the girls at Hope contributed an inlaid workbox with a complete sewing outfit.

It was believed beyond doubt, even in their simple family records, the flyleaf of a Bible, that Peter Atherly's great-grandfather was an Englishman who brought over to his Majesty's Virginian possessions his only son, then a boy.

In his hand was a book, and his face had suddenly lost all its pomposity and grown genial and merry. "I found this on the table in my room," he said without preface; "and it isn't a very common name." As he spoke, he opened to the flyleaf and pointed to the two lines written there. "Cicely Everard," it said; "with the love of Cousin Theodora."