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The fire-light from its great stone chimney shone on the strings of maize and bunches of dried vegetables that hung from the roof and on the copper kettles and saucepans ranged along the wall.

But in the western or black chamber the effect of the fire-light that streamed upon the dark hangings through the blood-tinted panes, was ghastly in the extreme, and produced so wild a look upon the countenances of those who entered, that there were few of the company bold enough to set foot within its precincts at all.

I didn't believe he could tell me much about that, anyway; and the duty that weighed on my mind most at that minute was my duty to Sally." And thus, in the flickering fire-light and the apple-blossom fragrance, the two wedded lovers sat talking and dreaming, and taking joy of each other while the night wore on.

It came to her one night, and whispering to Edith, "I am going to get it fixed," she glided from the room and sought the library where she was sure of finding Richard. It was nearly eleven o'clock, but he had not yet retired, and with his head bent forward he sat in his accustomed place, the fire-light shining on his face, which had grown fearfully haggard and white within the last two weeks.

The fire-light shone full upon her now, and revealed a clear white face; large, dark-gray eyes, full of sadness and perplexity; a beautifully shaped head, coiled round and round with heavy twists of golden hair, that glittered in its high lights like burnished metal; and a figure at once full and lithe in its proportions, clad in a neat-fitting dress of some soft, dark material, set off with a tiny white collar and bright ribbon.

"I don't see why you should look back. People in our position are supposed to look forward." "You don't like those Baden days yourself," said Bernard. "You don't like to think of them." "What a wonderful discovery!" Bernard looked at her a moment in the brightening fire-light. "What part was it you tried to play there?" Angela shook her head. "Men are dull creatures."

Lottie sat by the hearth, the firelight playing upon an unusually grave and thoughtful face. "Well," he exclaimed, "you look for all the world like an old married couple keeping Sunday together." Of course Hemstead flushed. But why should Lottie's color grow richer than the ruddy fire-light warranted?

The chime rings out as in the days long gone by from the dear old clock re-purchased from Charlie Wood. As we look around the room in the soft fire-light we see the few old friends left from that awful slaughter when our household gods were sold; and best of all, in the low shelves at one end of the room are the dearly loved volumes, all that remain of our once fine library.

Through the stone mullions of the projecting window at the right, a flush of fire-light looked pleasant and hospitable, and on the threshold were standing Lord Chelford and my old friend Mark Wylder; a faint perfume of the mildest cheroot declared how they had been employed. So I jumped to the ground and was greeted very kindly by the smokers.

The red fire-light glowed on their two bonny heads, and revealed their faces animated with the eager interest of children; for, though he was twenty-three and she eighteen, each had so much of novelty to feel and learn, that neither experienced nor evinced the sentiments of sober disenchanted maturity. They lifted their eyes together, to encounter Mr.