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A man in a natural state, cannot abide the presence of God; yea, though a righteous man. Adam, though adorned with his fig-leaves, flies. Observe again, That a self-righteous man, a man of the law, takes grace and mercy for his greatest enemy.

I believe if two women were cast together upon a desert island, they would spend each day arguing the respective merits of sea-shells and birds' eggs considered as trimmings, and would have a new fashion in fig-leaves every month. Very young men think a good deal about clothes, but they don't talk about them to each other. They would not find much encouragement.

"Um," said Leslie, in her nonchalant fashion again; her chin between her two hands now, and her head making little appreciative nods. "That's like condensed milk; a great deal in a little of it. I'll put the fig-leaves away now, and think it over." But, as she sprang up, and came round behind Miss Goldthwaite's chair, she stopped and gave her a little kiss on the top of her head.

Whereupon, "You see", said the Chief Rabbi, "he drives us out: but he makes us aprons if only of fig-leaves to cover us. Let us bow to his rod, and thank him, and go: he is God's Minister". So they went: the world's mercantile marine having been summoned, sea-ports were turned into caravansaries of gabardine and ear-lock: the Exodus began.

Fancy, but we must not fancy such a scene at all, which would be an outrage on public decency. Should we be any better than our neighbors? No, certainly. And as we can't be virtuous, let us be decent. Figleaves are a very decent, becoming wear, and have been now in fashion for four thousand years. And so, my dear, history is written on fig-leaves. Would you have anything further? O fie!

This and the cupola on the building behind the Virgin suggest a Byzantine model, as well as the incorrect monogram, which is ϒΘ. The rest of the arch is filled with censing angels. The jambs bear four-feet figures of Adam and Eve outside the orders of the arch, holding fig-leaves in the same manner as the figures at Sebenico, which they much resemble.

As here in the text, though the voice of the Lord God walked in the garden in the cool of the day, in the time of grace and love, yet how Adam with his fig-leaves flies before him. "And Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God."

Then she tore off some of the large young fig-leaves beside her, not knowing what else to do, and held them to it. A few minutes later, Manisty and Eleanor descended the same path in haste.

"And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." He had endeavoured with fig-leaves to hide his transgressions before, but that being found too scanty and short, he now trieth what he can do with arguments.

If you have made up your mind never to touch a snake or go nearer to one than you can help, then I need scarcely tell you what you know already, that these are all alike hideous and repulsive in their aspect, being smeared from head to tail with a viscous and venomous slime, which, as your Shakespeare will tell you, leaves a trail even on fig-leaves when they have occasion to pass over such.