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Daggers of lambent fever race through my brain incessant. Some fibrillary twitchings at the right angle of the mouth have also arrested my attention. 'June 25. He has dared at open mid-day to enter my room. I watched him from an angle of the stairs pass along the corridor and open my door.

It has recently been shown that the permanently irregular pulse is due to fibrillary contraction, or really auricular fibrillation in other words, irregular stimuli proceeding from the auricle and that such an irregular pulse is not due to disturbance at the auriculoventricular node, as believed a short time ago.

Rubber pads materially diminish concussion and should be made use of when the subject is returned to work, if the character of the work is such as to occasion much concussion. It is to be remembered, however, that in sprains there occurs fibrillary fracture of soft structures and time is required for regeneration of tissue which has been injured or destroyed.

Ligaments are injured less frequently than are bones. Because of their flexibility they escape fracture in the manner that bones suffer. They are, however, completely severed by being cut or ruptured, though fibrillary fracture the result of constant or intermittent tensile strain is of more frequent occurrence.

When protruded it turns sharply to the left. Fibrillary twitching is not present. The mucous membrane is normal. Common sensation and taste are preserved. The pharyngeal reflex is present. The palate moves well. There is no palsy or wasting of the face. The pupils are of normal size and react well to light and with accommodation. Station and gait are normal.

Parts so affected undergo a fibrillary separation, increasing the transverse diameter of the bone; or if the impact has been sufficiently violent, the portion becomes an amorphous mass. In a treatise on the subject of lameness, the bones chiefly concerned and most often affected must be especially considered.

The pivotal strain which is sometimes thrown upon this articulation when an animal turns on one foot, as well as the tension which is put on the collateral ligaments when the inner or the outer quarter of the foot rests in a depression of the road surface, tends to detach the insertion of these ligaments or to cause fibrillary fractures of their substance.

Attention to the twitching, spasmodic, fibrillary movements, having a quick beginning and a quick ending, which is characteristic in Sydenham's chorea, would at once exclude that disease. These jerky movements peculiar to St. Vitus's dance may be easily detected in a few or many muscles, if moderate care and patience be exercised on the part of the examiner.

Everything tending to increase strain upon these ligaments is contributory to possible fibrillary fracture of these structures. Excessive leverage as furnished by long toes, long toe-calks and low heels increases the normal tension on the posterior ligaments of the pastern joint.

But for the terrifying, death-boding thump, thump of my heart, I should have faced the traitor then, and told him that I knew all his treachery. Did I say that I had strange fibrillary twitchings at the right angle of my mouth, and a brain on fire? I have ceased to write my book the more the pity for the world, not for me. 'June 26.