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"Why, we found candlesticks stuck out in wood-sheds and corn-cribs, rusty as could be, but the real thing in colonial art, and mother," Helen added, almost lowering her voice with a touch of awe, "what on earth do you think Mrs. Parmalee had on her hen-house door? This!" She held up an ancient brass knocker, a smiling faun's head encircled in wreathing vines.

The most obvious part of the theme is that which is represented in the title, the study of the Faun's nature; and this embraces the whole question of sin and crime, their origin and distinction. But it is not the case, as has been assumed, that in this study the author takes the position of advocate to a theory that sin was requisite to the development of soul in man.

Some fancy, wild and sweet, caught me of a faun passing down through underbrush of woodland glades to drink at a forest pool; and, chance giving back to me a little verse of Alice Corbin's, I turned and murmured it while watching him: What dim Arcadian pastures Have I known, That suddenly, out of nothing, A wind is blown, Lifting a veil and a darkness, Showing a purple sea And under your hair, the faun's eyes Look out on me?

He writes, when he ought, with a finely appropriate regularity, as in the lovely line on the forest glades That fear the faun's and know the dryad's foot, in which the rule is completely kept, every step of the five stepping from the unaccented place to the accented without a tremor.

"She never has time for me any more; I'm not high-brow enough for her. She's getting on like a streak, you know, exhibiting everywhere." "I know she is. She gave me a cast of her faun's head. I think it is lovely. Aunt Margaret looks well." "She is, I guess, but don't let's waste all our valuable time talking about the family. Let's talk about us you and me.

Their lives were rendered blissful by art unsought harmony with nature. But, as centuries passed away, the Faun's wild blood had necessarily been attempered with constant intermixtures from the more ordinary streams of human life.

The hair curls in crisp, short clusters; and the ear, fine and shaped almost like a Faun's, reveals the scrupulous fidelity of the sculptor. Italian art has, in truth, nothing more exquisite than this still-sleeping figure of the girl who, when she lived, must certainly have been so rare of type and lovable in personality.

"No no it wasn't that one," said the major, hastily. "I've never used the other since! Now, then, sir, if you please, on guard!" The title was not bestowed with my father's consent. He had, at the publishers' request, sent them a list of several titles, beginning with The Marble Faun, and among others on the list was "The Faun's Transformation."

I was now, however, for no merit of mine, in official and scientific company with which it would have been idle to share my satisfaction in the verification of the Faun's ears.

If it is true, as Vasari asserts, that Michelangelo quitted Ghirlandajo in 1489, and if Condivi is right in saying that he only lived in the Casa Medici for about two years before the death of Lorenzo, April 1492, then he must have spent some twelve months working in the gardens at San Marco before the Faun's mask called attention to his talents.