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"Why, look at the droves of ow own people!" laughed Captain Champion at the laying of the corner-stone. And after it, "Yes, Mr. Fair's address was fi-ine! But faw me, Miz Ravenel, do you know I liked just those few words of John March evm betteh?" "They wa'n't so few," drawled Lazarus Graves, "but what they put John on the shelf." The hot Captain flashed. "Politically, yes, seh!

"I don't know whether you know it, Allan. Perhaps I ought not to tell you; but there was some talk of Dr. Fair's treatment having done your father harm. I really believe your mother was out of her mind with anxiety, and you know she disliked the doctor. He was dismissed, you remember; and this was whispered about and exaggerated until I think it almost broke his heart.

He raised the knocker, and knew when it fell that a girl's heart within responded to it with a wild beat. He waited until there was a heavy shuffle of feet in the hall and the door opened, and Minister Fair's black servant-woman stood there flaring a candle before his eyes. "Who be you?" said she, in her rich drone, which had yet a twang of hostility in it. Burr Gordon ignored her question.

Fair asked a question and he laughed again. "O! no, it was only a passing thought. If anybody 'busts Rosemont wide open' it'll have to be Leggett. O! no, I " He played with his spoon. Fair's response must have been complimentary. "Thank you," said March; "why, thank you!"

The women crept cautiously at a good distance behind Dorothy and Eugene out of the lane, and watched, with incredulous eyes turning to each other for confirmation, the pair walk into Parson Fair's house together. Then they could do no more, since their ears were not long enough, and each went her way to tell what she had seen.

"Because the play is too rough. Tom, Dick, and Harry, as you say in England, come out after dark, when the fair's lighted up and at its gayest, and it is no place for ladies to be hustled about in." "I've always found 'Tom, Dick, and Harry, very inoffensive fellows," Nell persisted. "You've never been to a Dutch Kermess." "That's why I want to go." "So you shall, before dark."

Some reported, upon the good authority of a neighbor's imagination, that Parson Fair had "fallen down dead;" some that Dorothy had fainted away; some that the black woman had killed her and her father. Meanwhile, Burr and his mother went into Parson Fair's study.

"I will go and see her if you think it is best," said Mrs. Gordon. In her heart she rebelled bitterly against seeming to plead with this unwilling bride to come to her son. Had she not felt guilty for her son, with the conviction of his own secret deflection, she would never have mounted the spiral stairs to Dorothy Fair's chamber that night. Parson Fair led the way, and Burr followed.

"'Tis the canal, missie," he said. "It comes past Monkhaven, and goes I don't rightly know where to. Maybe to that place we're going to, where the fair's to be. I once went a bit of a way on a canal that was afore I was with Mick and his lot. There was a boy and his mother as was very good to me. I wish I could see them again, I do." "But what is a canal, Tim," said Pamela.

Apple whose hue combines in union mellow * My fair's red cheek, her hapless lover's yellow.