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I recognised that already I was in peril of losing my temper, which was not at all what I desired. I eyed him intently, he returning me look for look. His countenance betrayed no sign of a guilty conscience; I had not seen him more completely at his ease. He smiled, facially, and also, as it seemed to me, a little derisively.

At the casting office he stopped to tell his friend of the day's camera triumph, how the director had seemed to single him out from a hundred or so revellers to portray facially the deadly effect of Broadway's night life. "Good work!" she applauded. "Before long you'll be having jobs oftener. And don't forget, you're called again to-morrow morning for the gambling-house scene."

You are filled with pity that he should be so richly endowed, facially and mentally, and to be a cripple such as children laugh over." "Have you never considered what mental anguish must be the portion of a man whose body is twisted as his is? I know. So I pity him profoundly, even if he is a rogue. That's all I was born for to pity and to bind up. And I pity you, Mr.

"I think little Cuckoo would call it so, eh, Julian?" He glanced at Julian and laughed softly, still drawing on his gloves. In evening dress he looked curiously young and handsome, and facially less altered than the doctor had at first supposed him to be. Still there was a difference even in the face; but it was so slight that only a keen observer would have noticed it.

"Is this what you call four o'clock?" twittered Adela, between cajolery and protest, somewhat older and facially more artificial, but eternally blonde; still holding her fair head on one side and sinuously waving the palm. "Sorry! Sorry! I was kept at the last moment by a journalist johnny." "Oh! Of course!" said Adela, pooh-poohing with her lips. "Of course we expect that story nowadays!"

A travelling experience, which Freddy Leveson used to relate with infinite gusto, belongs to a later journey, and had its origin in the strong resemblance between himself and his brother. Except that Lord Granville shaved, and that in later years Freddy Leveson grew a beard, there was little facially to distinguish them.

His secret itself might be endangered, if some particularly curious and discerning person should go in for solving the problem of this bodily resemblance to Murray Davenport in a man facially dissimilar. The change in bodily appearance, gait, and so forth, would be as simple to effect as it was necessary. Hitherto he had leaned forward a little, and walked rather loosely.

The elements were all in his mind, and in the secousse of a new and intense experience they just struck light." She positively struck light herself she was literally, facially luminous. I stammered something about unconscious cerebration, and she continued: "He'll come right home this will bring him." "To see Vereker, you mean?" "To see Vereker and to see me. Think what he'll have to tell me!"

Sartorially, he wore an undress military cap, with the "U.S." on the front, and a dingy blue uniform with the shoulder-straps of a Captain of infantry. Physically he seemed nearly as much out of order as facially.

Her radiance, for the minute, had "carried" as far as his, travelling on the light wings of her brilliant prettiness he, on his side, not being facially handsome, but only sensitive, clean and eager. Then, with its extinction, the sustaining wings dropped and hung.