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As to the strokes he caused to be given her, he is in some measure excusable; for his spouse had been a little too easy, and the excuses she made were calculated to make him believe that she was more faulty than she really was. This is all I can say to satisfy your curiosity. At these words she saluted the caliph, and vanished.

"Oh, all right, all right," said Mr. Dickerson. "I don't blame you. I think you're perfectly excusable to feel the way you do. But some time, when I get a chance, I should like to tell you about it, and put it to you in the right light " "I don't want to hear about it," cried Cornelia fiercely. "And I won't have you thinking that it's because I ever did care for you. I didn't.

She arrived one fine day at the Tuileries, in the midst of a people whom she had never seen except as soldiers; and on this account the constraint of her manner towards the persons composing the brilliant society of Paris seems to me to a certain point excusable.

She has a curious character; very sensitive, and very impulsive, but essentially trustful and warm-hearted. You should have heard the pathetic surprise with which she told me of Cecily's letter." "I should rather have imagined her speaking contemptuously." "It would have been excusable," replied the other, with a laugh. "And very likely that would have been her tone had it concerned any one else.

One must be such a man as Sagnier to picture a parliament as an open market, where every conscience is for sale and is impudently knocked down to the highest bidder. Oh! things happened in a very different way indeed; and they are explainable, and at times even excusable.

He begged, and entreated, and prayed them to take him on. After a little hesitation, they set out once more with a little excusable cursing and grumbling. It was about seven o'clock when at last they laid him down in the hall of the hospital, and departed with unfeigned gladness.

This will be a lesson to me never to let my opinion of a man be changed by anything he may do." "If you fellows feel that way," said Foy, "how about me? How do you suppose I feel? This man has risked his life fifty times for me and what did I think of him?" "If you ask me, Christopher," said Anastacio, "I think you were quite excusable.

Christian did not, after all, venture to pass the lions till he was assured that they were chained. And really it is more excusable to refuse point-blank to pass a couple of lions till one knows whether they are chained or not and the poor wicked people seem to have done nothing more than this, than it would be to pass them. Besides, by being told, Christian fights, as it were, with loaded dice.

If she is awaited by the temptations of adversity, you, also, are surrounded by the corruptions of prosperity. Your fall is most probable, her's most excusable; commiserate her therefore now, by and by she may commiserate you?" And with these words he left the room.

"But," you urge, "if men sin by nature, they are excusable"; but you do not state the conclusion you draw, whether that God cannot be angry with them, or that they are worthy of blessedness that is, of the knowledge and love of God.