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That was the first and last time I ever did my lessons afloat, or rather on the mud. The object my parents had in sending me across the harbour to school was that I might receive an efficient training to enable me to pass the Dock-yard Civil Service examination which, by the way, is locally considered the highest distinction a boy can attain, providing he be qualified to pass the examiner.

What did you get out of Delmas?" "Nothing!" Kelson said looking rather shamefaced, "But the matter hasn't ended yet. I'm going to the theatre after I've had something to eat. I'll tell you what happens, to-morrow." It was late ere Kelson came down to breakfast the following day, and Hamar and Curtis were comfortably seated in armchairs reading the Examiner, when he joined them. "Well!"

I answered so badly all the questions propounded in Latin by the examiner, I made so many solecisms, that he felt it his duty to send me to an inferior class of grammar, in which, to my great delight, I found myself the companion of some twenty young urchins of about ten years, who, hearing that I was doctor in divinity, kept on saying: 'Accipiamus pecuniam, et mittamus asinum in patriam suam'.

He did not catch it. But Tom Taylor also an examiner sitting next to him, repeated my reply, with the addition, 'Just returned from China, where he served as a midshipman in the late war. He then took the book out of Whewell's hands, and giving it to me closed, said good-naturedly: 'Let us have another try, Mr.

I saw your name in The Examiner only an hour ago, and I came at once to relieve the distress I knew you must be suffering." Then the kind soul told the story, charging the sister never to reveal the facts.

Guthrie, who had charge of the recording, simply sat in front of the ground glass and with the arrow point followed the reflection of the light as it moved along the scale, in this way making a record on the paper on the drum, which I see he is now holding in his hand. "Mrs. Willoughby, the subject, and myself, the examiner, sat here, facing each other over this table.

And in my heart of hearts I had no objection to meeting that examiner once more when the third and last ordeal became due in another year or so. I even hoped I should. I knew the worst of him now, and forty minutes is not an unreasonable time. Yes, I distinctly hoped. . . But not a bit of it.

He praises his political writing so extravagantly that we should think he had not read the "Examiner," were it not for the thoroughness of his work in other respects. All that Swift wrote in this kind was partisan, excellently fitted to its immediate purpose, as we might expect from his imperturbable good sense, but by its very nature ephemeral.

George Daniel, in his recollections of Lamb, records a visit they paid together to the Fair. Lamb took Wordsworth through its noisy mazes in 1802. Bigod. Leigh Hunt, in The Examiner for May 5, 1822, quoted some of the best sentences of this essay. I read the modicum on "Chimney-Sweepers," which your last paper contained, with pleasure.

Many persons thought the results of these trials were decisive enough of the nullity of the treatment; those who wish to see the kind of special pleading and evasion by which it is attempted to cover results which, stated by the "Homoeopathic Examiner" itself, look exceedingly like a miserable failure, may consult the opening flourish of that Journal.