United States or Martinique ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Oh, I'm not so terrible or abnormal as you people think. I'd have done quite well if my father had never earned more than three thousand a year and I had had to put my shoulder to the wheel. But don't ever start to be a Gorgeous Girl stay thrifty and be not too discerning of handmade lace or lap dogs. You know, there's no need to enumerate.

I glance over a few of the many evidences that these cells were used as repositories of the dead, and enumerate a few of the many caves similar in origin to St. Robert's, in which human bones have been found."

Enumerate: He played snatches of Bach on the violin, on the piano, and on the organ; he composed fragments for all three instruments. He modelled little statuettes in wax, cupids and nymphs, and he designed covers for books. He could do all these things a little, and not stupidly, although inefficiently.

As he grew old he attached himself to the son as he had done to the father, and by degrees became a kind of overlooker of a house in which his remarkable integrity, his acknowledged sobriety, and a thousand other virtues useless to enumerate, gave him an eternal place by the fireside, with a right of inspection over the domestics.

I dined with him to-day ehem dined with him upon an excellent joint of mutton I say, father the mutton was good and with his proud, pertinacious curate, whom I do not at all relish; whether, as Homer says I enumerate his scurrilous satire, or his derogatory insinuations.

But it is needless to enumerate such instances; every man's conscience or his memory will supply examples wholesale: therefore, maltreated authors, bear witness to your own wrongs: jealously regarded by a struggling brotherhood, cruelly baited by self-constituted critics, the rejected of publishers, the victimized by booksellers, the garbled in statement, misinterpreted in meaning, suspected of friends, persecuted by foes "O that mine enemy would write a book!"

As there may with propriety be said to be a relation between any two things to which two correlative names are or may be given; we may expect to discover what constitutes a relation in general, if we enumerate the principal cases in which mankind have imposed correlative names, and observe what these cases have in common.

The remaining volumes for space would fail us to enumerate them in detail treat of such subjects as the Census, Education, Convict Discipline, Poor, Post-office, Railways, Shipping, Quarantine, Trade and Navigation Returns, Revenue, Population and Commerce, Piracy, the Slave Trade, and Treaties and Conventions with Foreign States. These papers, as we have said, differ greatly in size.

It is needless to enumerate the constituents of this spiritual end of sexual intercourse, for everyone is entitled to enumerate them differently and in different order. They include not only all that makes love a gracious and beautiful erotic art, but the whole element of pleasure in so far as pleasure is more than a mere animal gratification.

'I will not commit myself beyond to-day, 'for this time go thy way, and when I have a convenient season I will call for thee. What are the reasons for such an attitude as that? Let me enumerate one or two of them as they strike me.