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The poor Raiput was awfully sleepy, but he stuck heroically to his duties, and, thoughtfully pulling his beard, led us all through the endless labyrinth of metaphysical entanglements of the Ramayana. During the entr'actes we were offered coffee, sherbets, and cigarettes, which we smoked even during the performance, sitting in front of the stage in the first row.

He did share, in the event, his box at the theatre with Nash, who talked during the entr'actes not in the least about the performance or the performer, but about the possible greatness of the art of the portraitist its reach, its range, its fascination, the magnificent examples it had left us in the past: windows open into history, into psychology, things that were among the most precious possessions of the human race.

The English then walked about the continental churches during divine service, gazing at the pictures and consulting their guide-books as unconcernedly as our compatriots do to-day. They also crowded into theatres and concert halls, and afterwards wrote to the newspapers complaining of the bad atmosphere of those primitive establishments and of the long entr'actes.

They flogged and they flogged; when they stopped, that was the happiest moment of my life. Well, it was only during the entr'actes, when Rubinstein stopped playing, that I really enjoyed myself." He did not always spare my father. Once when I was out shooting with a setter near Pirogovo, I drove in to Uncle Seryozha's to stop the night.

And during the entr'actes Gervex had paid visits in various parts of the house, leaving Mademoiselle D'Avary to make herself agreeable to me. I dearly love to walk by the perambulator in which Love is wheeling a pair of lovers.

It was very cozy, I thought; one could talk right and left, and when the gentlemen circulated about in the entr'actes smoking the inevitable cigarette, which never leaves a Cuban's lips except to light a fresh one, all the lattice-doors are eagerly opened to them. Lola presented all the haute volee to us, the unpresented just stared.

The entr'actes amount to little; there is a rush of smokers, but many cannot leave their seats without giving offence to their companions, and some are too timid to fight their way from the centre of a row; and, after all, the entr'acte smoke, which takes place in a crowd so thick that you cannot tell the flavour of your own cigarette from that of other people, is rather irritating than satisfying.

Oh! their entr'actes between the incoherence of just lovers' love were not banal or dull. And never she forgot her tender ways of insinuated caresses small exquisite touches of sentiment and grace. The note ever of One that they were fused and melted together into one body and soul.

Flamboyantly smoking cigars they sat in a box at the burlesque show, their feet up on the rail, while a chorus of twenty daubed, worried, and inextinguishably respectable grandams swung their legs in the more elementary chorus-evolutions, and a Jewish comedian made vicious fun of Jews. In the entr'actes they met other lone delegates.

Even in the entr'actes of grand operas I go through with such exercises; for they refresh instead of exhausting me. The unconstrained coöperation of all the organs, as well as their individual functions, must go on elastically without any pressure or cramped action. Everything must be combined in the right way as a matter of habit.