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Any bounds made with body, even adamantine walls, are so far from putting a stop to the mind in its further progress in space and extension that it rather facilitates and enlarges it.

Each grinding tooth of the upper jaw has an outer wall so shaped that, on the worn crown, it exhibits the form of two crescents, one in front and one behind, with their concave sides turned outwards. From the inner side of the front crescent, a crescentic front ridge passes inwards and backwards, and its inner face enlarges into a strong longitudinal fold or pillar.

But when education enlarges the field of life-long good pursuits, it becomes formidable to the soul's worst enemies. In considering moral education we must recollect that there are three agents in this matter the child himself, the influence of his grown-up friends, and that of his contemporaries.

Carleton; I am very apt to amuse myself with tracing out fancied analogies in almost everything, and I may carry it too far too far to be spoken of wisely. I think it enlarges the field of pleasure very much. Where one eye is stopped, another is but invited on." "So," said Mr.

Chalk mentions partial dislocation of the lower jaw from an enlarged tongue. Lyford speaks of enlargement of the tongue causing death. The above conditions are known as macroglossia, which is a congenital hypertrophy of the tongue analogous to elephantiasis. It is of slow growth, and as the organ enlarges it interferes with deglutition and speech.

In his "General Historie," written many years later, Smith enlarges this indictment with some touches of humor characteristic of him. He says: "Being thus left to our fortunes, it fortuned that within ten days scarce ten amongst us could either go, or well stand, such extreme weakness and sicknes oppressed us.

But Love, which purifies and enlarges us, and sets free the soul, Love visiting a fleshly frame must have time and space, and some help of circumstance, to give the world assurance that the man is a temple fit for the rites. Out of romances, he is not melodiously composed. And in a giant are various giants to be slain, or thoroughly subdued, ere this divinity is taken for leader.

"The Mother-Church? is then this personal religious life only a state of orphanage? Because true life necessarily begins in the independent self, must it continue without the sheltering of the traditional past, the instructed guidance of older wisdom, and man's joint life in common which by association so enlarges and fortifies the individual good?

In his "General Historie," written many years later, Smith enlarges this indictment with some touches of humor characteristic of him. He says: "Being thus left to our fortunes, it fortuned that within ten days scarce ten amongst us could either go, or well stand, such extreme weakness and sicknes oppressed us.

And with all our books of theology and treatises on spiritual life, we are almost obliged to say that "all is less than nothing and vanity." But we believe that for those whom God enlarges, there is an unspeakable increase in the perceptive powers of the soul: they are taught things that no one else knows anything about, and that are hidden from the wise and prudent.