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This system has an advantage, even for well people, with its bars, poles, ropes, dumb-bells, etc., inasmuch as it secures the uniform development, on sound anatomical and physiological principles, of every muscle in the human body, instead of aiming at the hypertrophy of an isolated set.

Of the function or origin of the amnion little is known: to state that it is protective affords little explanation. It seems possible that it is merely the mechanical result of the weight of the embryo and the development of the allantois. The latter is a precocious hypertrophy of the cloacal bladder found in Amphibia, with the function of embryonic respiration.

This is a purely sexual gland, which in animals only becomes large and active during the breeding season, and may even be hardly distinguishable at other times; moreover, if the testes are removed in infancy, the prostate remains rudimentary, so that during recent years removal of the testes has been widely advocated and practiced for that hypertrophy of the prostate which is sometimes a distressing ailment of old age.

As long as the heart remains in this hypertrophied condition, which may be called normal hypertrophy since it is needed for the work which has to be done in overcoming the defect in the valve, there are no symptoms, the pulmonary and systemic circulation is sufficient, and the patient does not know that he is incapacitated.

Both of these involutions of the glands of childhood must occur before the normal hypertrophy and development of the sex glands and their secretions can start. Besides, there must be a minimum activity of the thyroid, adrenal and pituitary glands.

Neyronis makes the following observation: A man of seventy-three, convalescent from a fever, one morning, about six months after recovery perceived that he had lost all his hair, even his eyelashes, eyebrows, nostril-hairs, etc. Although his health continued good, the hair was never renewed. The principal anomalies of the nails observed are absence, hypertrophy, and displacement of these organs.

There can be no doubt that this constitutional vehemence of his, this hypertrophy of blood and muscle, injured his work and dimmed his reputation. Much of his work he ought to have burnt. His classical studies are worthless, his Life of Thackeray and his Travels are mere book-making. His novels, even the best, are revised and printed with scandalous haste.

Chalk mentions partial dislocation of the lower jaw from an enlarged tongue. Lyford speaks of enlargement of the tongue causing death. The above conditions are known as macroglossia, which is a congenital hypertrophy of the tongue analogous to elephantiasis. It is of slow growth, and as the organ enlarges it interferes with deglutition and speech.

Howell, can you do nothing for me?" Her voice had sunk to a whisper, and she leaned eagerly forward to catch his answer. "Miss Earl, do you know what is meant by hypertrophy of the heart?" "Yes, yes, I know." She shivered slightly. "Whether you inherited your disease, I am not prepared to say, but certainly in your case there are some grounds for the belief."

He treats of other pathological conditions of the female genitalia, varicose veins, growths of various kinds, hypertrophy of the portio vaginalis uteri, an operation for which is described, and of various tumors.