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At the end of this dreary exercise they were dismissed to prepare for church where there followed a service which Avery regarded as downright revolting. It consisted mainly of prayers as many prayers as the Vicar could get in, rendered in an emotionless monotone with small regard for sense and none whatever for feeling.

Tall, spare, erect, with clothes of faultless fit and closely buttoned to the chin, his hair cut short and his face cleanly shaven, with the exception of a heavy white moustache, he was the beau ideal of a colonel of the Old Guard. His manners were as courtly as were those of Lord Chesterfield, while his features were as immovable and emotionless as were those of Talleyrand.

Calm and emotionless, urged by some hidden power, he should try each individual to see of what he was made; observing the man under all possible circumstances, and at times enmeshing new circumstances about him.

This perversity is present in all gradations from outbursts of anger with blows and vituperation to sullen, or even emotionless, muscular rigidity. This last occurs most often when the patient is approached but may be seen when observations are made at a distance.

Only the vivid, throbbing present was of consequence, and the intensity of it swept him out of his balance with a force that was appalling. He was not the Martin Howe of yesterday, nor could he ever again be that happy, emotionless being. Within him warred a tumult of new sensations that seethed, flamed, maddened, consumed.

But it was necessary to bait the pleasures for the woman, in order to have full view of the precious fine fate one has escaped. Also to get well rid of a sort of hectic in the blood, which the woman's beauty has cast on that reflecting tide: a fever-sign, where the fever has become quite emotionless and is merely desirous for the stain of it to be washed out.

He freed her hand then and she wiped her eyes, remembering the "perfect, silent, reliable, fearless, emotionless machine." The head of the training school came to the door of the pavilion, but did not enter. The reason for this was twofold: first, she had confidence in the Nurse; second, she was afraid of contagion this latter, of course, quite sub rosa, in view of the above quotation.

What happened this morning? Did the man resist?" Her face still showed how bitter had been her mortification, and he was astonished that she kept her voice so level and emotionless. "No. He went with them quite quietly. The back door was open; he could have walked out. I did not advise him to. I'm glad no one saw his face except myself.

The hour, the alley's musty reputation, the pedestrian's haste, the burden he carried these easily combined into the "suspicious circumstances" that required illumination at the officer's hands. The "suspect" halted readily and tilted back his hat, exposing, in the flicker of the electric lights, an emotionless, smooth countenance with a rather long nose and steady dark eyes.

He went impetuously to meet her, and in a moment he had her hands in his; but they lay in his grasp cold and limp, with no responding pressure. Her great eyes, as they looked at him, were emotionless and distant, remote as the lights of a village seen at night across a far-reaching plain. She gave him no word or smile of welcome.