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"Nov. 25, 1845. I hope you will have anticipated, before I express it, the great gratification which I received from your Eminence's letter. That gratification, however, was tempered by the apprehension, that kind and anxious well-wishers at a distance attach more importance to my step than really belongs to it.

"'T was merely a little Hibernicism, for which I beg your Eminence's indulgence," laughed she. "But what puts the most spokes in a proselytiser's wheel is the Faith itself. If we only deserved the reputation for sharp practice and double dealing which the Protestants have foisted upon us, it would be roses, roses, all the way. Why are we forbidden to let the end justify the means?

However, to Santobono's credit it must be added that his fanatical devotion to the Cardinal was largely based upon the hope that he would prove the Pope whom men awaited, the Pope who would make Italy the sovereign nation of the world. "Well, this is my misfortune," he said. "Your Eminence knows my brother Agostino, who was gardener at the villa for two years in your Eminence's time.

"And he was sure of what he said?" "He came out of the chamber, and had held a glass for some minutes before the cardinal's lips." "Ah!" said the king. "And what is become of M. Colbert?" "He has just left his eminence's chamber." "Where is he?" "He followed me." "So that he is " "Sire, waiting at your door, till it shall be your good pleasure to receive him."

Meseemed he believed that his Eminence's prayers would serve him better in Heaven than those of our simple priests, who had not even gained a bishop's cope; just as the good word of a Prince Elector gains the Emperor's ear sooner than the petition of a town councillor.

So they had their Will of us, and we were all made Prisoners, preparatory to undergoing the worse Fate of Slaves. Vain now, indeed, were all his Eminence's Secret Precautions about the Concealment of Missives; for these Rascal Moors made no more ado, but stripped us of every Rag of Clothing, ripping up the Seams thereof, and examining our very Hair, in quest of Gold and Jewels.

"P.S. This will not go till all is over. Of course it requires no answer." For a while after my reception, I proposed to betake myself to some secular calling. I wrote thus in answer to a very gracious letter of congratulation sent me by Cardinal Acton: "Nov. 25, 1845. I hope you will have anticipated, before I express it, the great gratification which I received from your Eminence's letter.

"Monseigneur," replied Porthos, "he has gone as a scout, on account of some words of our host, which made him believe the road was not safe." "And you, what have you done, Monsieur Porthos?" "I have won five pistoles of Aramis." "Well; now will you return with me?" "We are at your Eminence's orders." "To horse, then, gentlemen; for it is getting late."

Pierre was somewhat embarrassed by such a plain enunciation of the interested object of his visit; still, he decided to go to the point. "Yes, indeed," he answered, "it is a liberty I have taken to come and appeal to your Eminence's wisdom for advice.

"In fact, I was astonished that, with your eminence's excellent memory," replied Athos, smiling, "you had not recognized me before." "Always refractory and grumbling monsieur monsieur What do they call you? Stop a name of a river Potamos; no the name of an island Naxos; no, per Giove! the name of a mountain Athos! now I have it.