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'Well, they've moved 'is 'eadquarters from London to Manchester. There was a tense silence, broken only by Elizabeth's hard breathing on a brass paper-weight ere she polished it with her sleeve. 'If 'e goes to Manchester, there I goes, she went on; 'I suppose I'd quite easy get a situation there? 'Quite easy, I acquiesced in a hollow voice. She went out leaving me chill and dejected.

Miss Wilson was not lax in courtesy now. Drawing her arm through Elizabeth's, she came up to the group of girls at the head of the main stairway. "I wish you girls to meet Miss Hobart," she cried, "so that you may condole with her. She is to room with me this semester." "Why this semester?" rejoined a tall girl in the group as she came forward extending her hand. "Why not the year?"

It was not so easy, however, to defend or even comprehend the banishment and imprisonment of those who without conspiring against the Queen's life or throne, desired to see the Church of England reformed according to the Church of Geneva. Yet there is no doubt that many sectaries experienced much inhuman treatment for such delinquency, both in the early and the later years of Elizabeth's reign.

The gradual influx of wealth, and extension of commerce, have since united to render the present people of Scotland a class of beings as different from their grandfathers as the existing English are from those of Queen Elizabeth's time, The political and economical effects of these changes have been traced by Lord Selkirk with great precision and accuracy.

On the other hand, the French Queen-mother could not now view with complacency the succession of Mary with her Guise connexions, coupled with the possibility of her matrimonial alliance either with the Spanish Don Carlos or the Habsburg Archduke Charles. Elizabeth's own desire now was to be in amity with Mary, and to have her married to some one who would not be dangerous.

But after one other experiment the part-authorship of the first English Tragedy in blank verse, Gorboduc Sackville deserted the Muses, for public affairs; in his later years becoming a leading member of Elizabeth's Council.

"You'll run out of money before the summer's over," he said warningly. "Oh, I've had to borrow a little already. With Elizabeth's illness and all, I saw we weren't going to get through, so I just took out a loan of five hundred and paid Doc Morgan while I was at it. I meant to have told you. I've got some calves coming from over west to-morrow too."

We lingered a long time about Queen Elizabeth's oak; and by climbing up on each other's shoulders, and so gaining some stumps of vanished boughs, had succeeded in clambering, one after another, into the wilderness of its branches, where the young buds were now pushing away the withered leaves before them, as the young generations of men push the older into the grave.

Tottel, the printer of the favourite poetic "Miscellany" published shortly before Queen Elizabeth's accession, included in his collection the beautiful lines, cited above, called "Good Counsel of Chaucer."

The colour now rushed into Elizabeth's cheeks in the instantaneous conviction of its being a letter from the nephew, instead of the aunt; and she was undetermined whether most to be pleased that he explained himself at all, or offended that his letter was not rather addressed to herself; when her father continued: "You look conscious.