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Only file through the bars of my cage and lend me your dagger. We have but little time, quick, quick! Oh, if my teeth were but files! I have tried to eat through this iron." "Eccellenza," said Rinaldo, "I have already filed through one bar." "You are a god!" "Your wife was at the fete given by the Princess Villaviciosa. She brought home her little Frenchman; she is drunk with love.

Her padrone has relations at Sant' Agata, as I have told your eccellenza, and his vessel has lain on the beach near the castle many a bleak winter." "What brings him to Venice?" "That is what I would give my newest jacket of your eccellenza's colors to know, Signore.

"Eccellenza, we are in command of the Lord Chamberlain Bernardini, who, since he fought his way through the false guard placed before this palace to serve the treachery of the Council, hath not ceased to gather men of metal throughout the city, till enough shall come to claim the Queen's release.

But he was too discreet to utter his mind aloud he merely said: "No doubt you are right, eccellenza. Still one is glad to see the roses bloom, and the stars shine, and the foam-bells sparkle on the waves so one is glad to see Lilla Monti." I turned round in my chair to observe him more closely the flush deepened on his cheek as I regarded him. I laughed with a bitter sadness.

He then drank greedily from the fountain and went on his way." "You followed?" "Yes, eccellenza at a little distance. He next visited a common tavern in one of the back streets of the city and came out with two men. They were well dressed they had the air of gentlemen spoiled by bad fortune. The signor talked with them for some time he seemed much excited.

I unlocked a dressing-case and took from thence three studs, each one formed of a single brilliant of rare clearness and lusters and handed them to him to fix in my shirt-front. While he was polishing these admiringly on his coat-sleeve I watched him earnestly then I suddenly addressed him. "Vincenzo!" He started. "Eccellenza?"

If your eccellenza has an opportunity to speak with the general of the galleys, or with any other who may have authority in such a matter, on my knees I pray you to speak in behalf of the child, who is a good and pious lad, that seldom casts a line into the water without an ave or a prayer to St. Anthony, and who has never given me uneasiness, until he fell into the grip of St. Mark."

"If this should be so, what reason is it that thou shouldst give thyself concern?" "Eccellenza, he was my father's father; and, though I never saw him, I know that the same blood runs in our veins. When this is so, there should be the same feelings in our hearts."

Our Lady of Loretto! I am not the person to be sent for, when the state wishes to part two lovers!" "I have borne with thee, Annina, because I would let the gondola get beyond the limits of the city; but now thou must throw aside thy subterfuge, and speak plainly. Where didst thou leave my wife?" "Does your eccellenza then think the state will admit the marriage to be legal?"

I repeated, half absently; "oh, you mean the child of the landlady? No, I have not seen her. Why do you ask?" Vincenzo smiled. "Pardon, eccellenza! but she is beautiful, and there is a saying in my province: Be the heart heavy as stone, the sight of a fair face will lighten it!" I gave an impatient gesture. "All folly, Vincenzo! Beauty is the curse of the world.