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The banyan tree was the first to answer: it said "You did good to the snake and your wages for doing good are evil; you saved his life and he will now kill you, this is fair, this is the justice we have learnt from human beings; you enjoy the shade of us trees and in return you lop off our branches and sit on them, and do us all manner of injury; it is right that the snake should eat you."

By-the-by, Tom, where's Dash you'd better look out, or the Commodore's dog, Grouse, will eat him before morning mine will not quarrel with him, but Grouse will to a certainty."

At the end of the year he came again, dressed even more richly than before, and I conjured him to dismount and eat of my victual; and he said to me, "I consent, on condition that what thou expendest on me shall be of my money in thy hands."

"No, you were made to be taken care of, my dear." She did not press the matter. She had taken her stand; that was enough for the present. After an hour with him, she went home to get herself something to eat on her gas stove. Spenser's confidence in the future did not move her even to the extent of laying out half a dollar on a restaurant dinner.

Only very occasionally, now, did they receive any invitations. But she did not tell these things to Muriel. "Gloria, dear, I wish we could have dinner together, but I promised a man and it's seven-thirty already. I've got to tear." "Oh, I couldn't, anyway. In the first place I've been ill all day. I couldn't eat a thing."

"Well, well," said Andrea, "that isn't a bad idea." "My dear friend," said Caderousse, "eat of my bread, and take my advice; you will be none the worse off, physically or morally." "But," said Andrea, "why do you not act on the advice you gave me? Why do you not realize a six months', a year's advance even, and retire to Brussels?

"Lord help the deer that gets within range of this old gat of Theriere's, and you may not get even a mouthful I'm that hungry I'll probably eat it all, hoof, hide, and horns, before ever I get any of it back here to you." "You'd better not," laughed the girl. "Good-bye and good luck; but please don't go very far I shall be terribly lonely and frightened while you are away."

"Well, we'll have something to eat first. I don't like to think on an empty stomach. Come over to my blanket and sit down, Jim." Ignoring Rhoda, who was watching him closely, Kut-le seated himself on his blanket beside Jim and offered him a cigarette, which was refused. "I don't want no favors from you, Cartwell." His voice was surly.

They had now a good supply of water; but they had put only a few cocoa-nuts into the boat, and though they had several fish, they would very soon be unfit to eat. "He who has brought us thus far will still take care of us, lads, if we will but trust Him," said old Tom. This was the burden of his address day after day.

"Shall I put on some potatoes for yeast?" she asked, after a little heart-breaking silence. "Yes, I guess you'd better," answered the older woman; "there's only the best part of a loaf left, and Benny hadn't ought to eat fresh bread." She came back to her work, catching eagerly at the homely suggestion of duty.