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Them three kids and him eat like they was holler. I guess if Polly hadn't took them away your grocery bill would 'a looked like Barb'ry Allen's grave.

The thought of the certainty and nearness of that end has often become a stimulus to wild, sensuous living, as the history of the relaxation of morality in pestilences, and in times when war stalked through the land, has abundantly shown. 'Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die, is plainly a way of reasoning that appeals to the average man.

Just then one or two kind words would have prevented him from running away, bright as the prospect of circus life appeared. It was almost impossible for him to eat anything, and this very surprising state of affairs attracted the attention of Uncle Daniel.

That famous adventure, in which the en cas de nuit was brought into use, for the sake of one Poquelin alias Moliere; how often has it been described and admired? This Poquelin, though king's valet-de-chambre, was by profession a vagrant; and as such, looked coldly on by the great lords of the palace, who refused to eat with him.

"It is too solemn a thing to joke about; but do you wish to make me believe that the people can really believe that they eat the body of their God, and that human beings can change pieces of paste into that body? No, no, no! Monsieur Governor. We Indians have not a knowledge of the numerous arts you Frenchmen possess, but we are not so foolish as to believe such a gross imposture as that.

The only sounds that I heard were the ceaseless chirps and whirrs of the insects of the bushes and trees. When I had gone some distance, I bethought me of my heedlessness in coming away from the inn without my sword. I had taken this off before sitting down to eat, and at my departure my mind had been so taken up with other matters that I had omitted to put it on. My dagger was with it at the inn.

"I will not eat any apples," wrote Felix. "What on earth do you want to give up eating apples for?" asked Peter in astonishment. "Never mind," returned Felix. "Apples make people fat, you know," said Felicity sweetly. "It seems a funny kind of resolution," I said doubtfully. "I think our resolutions ought to be giving up wrong things or doing right ones."

An' they just fool it away! Eat it away, drink it away! An' then they have to go to Buxton an' Matlock an' Harrogate to sweat the muck out of their blood!" Henry reminded his father of the bloods and bucks and macaronis of the eighteenth century ... the last of the English gentlemen. "After all, father, they weren't so very much better than the lot you're denouncing!" "Yes, they were.

These mutual exchanges bringing on a kind of confidence, two ventured on board the ship; and presently after, she was filled with them, and we had the company of several at dinner in the cabin. Our pease-soup, salt-beef and pork, they had no curiosity to taste; but they eat of some yams, which we happened to have yet left, calling them Oobee.

It was, indeed, actively operative, although, like that of many a fine lady and gentleman, only in relation to such primary questions as: 'What shall we eat? And what shall we drink?