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He said the word 'traitor' was wrote in every liniment o' my face; that I wuz a dyed-in-the-wool butternut, and that the bag I'd brung along with me contained the muster-rolls of 100,000 Injiannians who'd bin swore in to fight for Jeff Davis. "The feller that they appinted to defend me admitted the truth of all that the other feller'd said.

This was the more surprising to me since Lucia Blackwood was a dyed-in-the-wool "intellectual," a graduate of Radcliffe, the daughter of a Harvard professor. Perry had fallen in love with her during her visit to Susan.

In the terse vernacular of the "mother country," hit touches me 'eart so much so that I hereby authorize anybody to whom W. J. Bryan owes a doctor bill to draw on me for the amount. If he doesn't owe anybody a doctor bill it follows, according to Jay Jay's diagnosis, that he is not a Populist may be a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat.

That's the true, dyed-in-the-wool collector. He no longer acquires a Vandyke merely to show to his friends; that he possesses it for his own delectation is enough. He becomes brother to Gaspard, miser; and like Gaspard he cannot be fooled by spurious gold.

'Edge, said Selwyn, speaking for the first time, 'you can't imagine what your welcome means to me. 'My dear boy, you never doubted its warmth? 'Yes I did, old man after what I've been writing. The athletic clergyman laughed uproariously. 'I suppose you're a dyed-in-the-wool Englishman now, and want your cup of tea. Well, I'll join you. Mrs.

"Yes, everything's testimony, and it can make wise the simple if he's not too simple. I reckon, parson, the simple is lumped in three lots the fool for a little while, the fool for half the day, and the life-everlasting twenty-four-hours-a-day, dyed-in-the-wool damn-fool.

Perhaps a little excitement might put me in just the right kind of trim," declared that individual promptly. "Hear! hear!" exclaimed Bluff, making a pretense of clapping his hands. "Talk to me about your dyed-in-the-wool sportsman! Frank, here, could give any fellow points," declared Jerry. "I understand the principle he works on.

Why has it never occurred to any one of them to urge the selection of a candidate that has not allied himself with the new gods in Israel, a stanch, dyed-in-the-wool, old-fashioned Jackson Democrat, such for example as the HONORABLE CHARLES LEVI WOODBURY? He has always been an ornament to his party, wise and prudent in his counsels, broad in his scholarship and still broader in his views, untrammelled in his profession of honest principles, and true to the faith.

Half the crowd cheered in fair appreciation of the way fate was starring the ambitious young outfielder; the other half, dyed-in-the-wool home-team fans, bent forward in a waiting silent gloom of fear. Burt knocked the dirt out of his spikes and faced Duveen. The second ball pitched he met fairly and it rang like a bell. No one in the stands saw where it went.

"And Jimmy says, 'Far be it from me to bandy words with a hopeless dyed-in-the-wool Tory, he says, 'what's agoin' blindly to his crool end, he says, 'in spite of "And then Ma butts in. 'That'll do for you, Jimmy Duggan, she says. 'Both of them political parties is rotten, she says, 'and you know it.