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Much as one may sympathize with a victim of the servant difficulty, one cannot but regard the last sentence as, in the vulgar phrase, rather a tall order. But it becomes taller still before Strindberg has done with it. Then came the dress-rehearsal of The Dream Play. This drama I wrote seven years ago, after a period of forty days' suffering which were among the worst which I had ever undergone.

At four o'clock in the morning there is a grand dress-rehearsal of the birds. Not all the pieces of the orchestra have arrived; but there are enough. The grass-sparrow has come. This is certainly charming. The gardener comes to talk about seeds: he uncovers the straw-berries and the grape-vines, salts the asparagus-bed, and plants the peas. You ask if he planted them with a shot-gun.

"The Rhinegold," or introduction, came to a public dress-rehearsal at Munich Aug. 25, 1869, and "The Valkyrie" was performed in a similar manner in the same city, June 24, 1870, with the following cast: WOTAN Herr KINDERMANN. SIEGMUND Herr VOGL. HUNDING Herr BAUSERWEIN. BRÜNNHILDE Frl. STEHLE. SIEGLINDE Frau VOGL. FRICKA Frl.

"I think they've only just done the first act," the woman breathed. "I know they didn't begin till seven. Oh! Mr. Machin, of course it's no affair of mine, but I've worked in a good many theatres, and I do think it's such a mistake to have the dress-rehearsal quite private.

The evening before the performance there was to be a dress-rehearsal on the stage which the carpenter had put up in the school-room, and six excited little Beresfords were packed into the wagonette with the German governess, and driven over to Ripley.

His hand fell to his side. "Great!" said Jimmy. "After all, why should you be in a hurry to break up this very pleasant little meeting. I'm sure I'm not. Let us chat. How are the theatricals going? Was the duologue a success? Wait till you see our show. Three of us knew our lines at the dress-rehearsal."

We had a conference after the dress-rehearsal, and our friend Mr Goble told him in no uncertain words in the whole course of my experience I have never heard words less uncertain that his damned rotten high-brow false-alarm of a show I am quoting Mr Goble would have to be rewritten by alien hands. And these are them! On the right, alien right hand. On the left, alien left hand.

Look yonder," said he, pointing to the court of the Palace, where already a regiment was drawn up under arms, and passing in inspection before the colonel; "there begins the dress-rehearsal already.

"Tra la, tra lee, I want my tea!" Sang Tennessee, as she ran up-stairs. "Oh, Maine, is that you? my dear, my costume is simply too perfect for anything. I've been out in the woods, practising my war-whoop. Three yelps and a screech; I flatter myself it is the most blood-curdling screech you ever heard. I'm going to have a dress-rehearsal now, all by myself.

I would not be without them for the world, and I should feel as if I had six pairs of hands. I shall do like you, and not attempt to be an Italian, she announced. However, the two of them were very enthusiastic players, and at the dress-rehearsal it was doubtful which was the better.