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You will know what to say to her to help her bear up." Three-quarters of an hour later what was left of them would return and the girls would be ready with hot coffee and doughnuts. It was heart-breaking, back-aching, wonderful work, work fit for angels to do, and these girls did it with all their souls. "Aren't you tired?

Again Judge McLean protested, feeling certain that the men and boys would demand their gin and their rum, but Susan and her sisters helped their mother serve lemonade, tea, coffee, doughnuts, and gingerbread in abundance.

Let us forbear to provoke the appetite of a hungry reader by setting in order before him the minced pies, the cranberry tarts, the pumpkin pies, the doughnuts, the cookies, and other sweet cakes of every description, that sprang into being at the magic touch of Black Dinah, the village priestess on all these solemnities.

Stevens had promised him warm doughnuts for supper. Perhaps Mona was frying them at that identical moment and he had never seen anyone frying doughnuts. He caught up his cane and limped out to investigate. That is how much his heart just then was set upon writing a story that would breathe of the plains.

With all his racing finesse he was a babe. The smooth, complacent-faced man in front of him made him realize this. "But," he gasped, "there was a row over Lauzanne's race. If The Dutchman runs in my name, an' a lot o' mugs play him it's dollars to doughnuts they will an' he gets beat, there'll be a kick. I can't take no chances of bein' had up by the Stewards."

They crept to the brink and gazed down at the swirl of water. Sprague drew back shuddering. "My God!" he exclaimed. "A swimmer hasn't a chance in that." Shorty touched Kit significantly with his elbow and said in an undertone: "Cold feet. Dollars to doughnuts they don't go through." Kit scarcely heard.

He tarries for dinner at the estancia of another Paraguayan, Don Matias Ramirez not as rich a man, but as hospitable a host, as Don Vicente who spreads before his guests for dinner a simple repast of boiled turnips and small manioc doughnuts.

He meant to be off before the middle of the forenoon; and while he was in the barn, foddering his horse and greasing the wheels, Lydia bethought her how he had praised the doughnuts several nights before, and, with an aching impulse to do something for him before he should go, hastily made up a batch, judging that a dozen or so would please him upon the road.

Pepsy was ready enough to defer to the master mind, the more so because this approach of their first probable customers gave her a kind of stage fright. She was seized with sudden terror and the dishpan full of doughnuts shook in her hands as she placed it in full view by Pee-wee's order. The auto was evidently picking its way along the hubbly road in second gear.

I like to be here because seeing you takes me back to them. This morning I knew I ought to sleep, but I just couldn't go over the top tonight without seeing you again. That's why I want to see you and fry a few doughnuts for you. It takes me back to them." He finished with a far-away look in his eyes.