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The Christmas holidays of 1872 were at hand and I was in full spirit with the festivities of the season. My home life was a constant revelation of delight and happiness. The income from my business had increased to double that of the previous year, and the future looked bright indeed.

Fraulein had left her and gone to her room. Every door and window on the ground floor stood wide excepting that leading to Fraulein's little double rooms. She wondered what the rooms were like and felt sorry for Fraulein, tall and gaunt, moving about in them alone, alone with her own dark eyes, curtains hanging motionless at the windows... was it really bad to tight-lace?

He has placed him in our hands so that we may strike, so that we may tell the white man with our muskets that our Manitou is stern and just, and that no Iroquois will listen to the idle words of a double tongue." He paused, readjusted his blanket, and then stood motionless, that all might digest his words. Then, after a long wait, he went on:

Two days later, Grant had the satisfaction of sending a double message in return: "Fort Henry is ours.... I shall take and destroy Fort Donelson on the eighth." Fort Henry had been an easy victory.

Sparling surveyed him with narrow eyes. "You young rascal! Trying to break up my show, are you?" "N-no sir." "Can you do that again, do you think?" "I I don't know." "That's the greatest Rube mule act that ever hit a sawdust ring. I'll double your salary if you think you can get away with it every performance," fairly shouted the owner.

I had been many months there in the condition of a prisoner, if not a slave, before I was allowed to go beyond the fortifications. At last the young chief invited me to accompany him. He did not explain where he was going. He and all those with him were painted in their gayest colours. We reached the sea-shore, and embarked in a large double canoe, with an out-rigger to prevent her capsizing.

They worked without speaking until they had nearly reached the end of the long double row, when said the Muggletonian: "You are too young, I take it, to have seen service in the wars?" "I fought at Worcester." "Upon which side?" "The Commonwealth's." "I thought as much. Humph!

Sometimes it was possible to run with the head stooped a little; generally the back had to be bent low often double; and occasionally progress could only be made on hands and knees, this, too, with a candle to be guarded from blasts of air or dripping water, and trimmed, lest it should go out and leave the place in total darkness.

In Cleveland a city on the southern shore of Lake Erie, with a population about equal to that of Edinburgh there is a street some five or six miles in length and five hundred feet in width, bordered on each side with a double row of arching trees, and with handsome stone houses, of sufficient variety and freedom in architectural design, standing at intervals of from one to two hundred feet along the entire length of the street.

He would not have urged that if he knew we would not find it, if he knew he himself had carried it away. This is no suicide. A suicide does not rise and hide the weapon with which he kills himself, and then lie down again. No, this has been a double murder, and we must look outside of the house for the murderer.