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Let me tie your neck-handkerchief into a regular good bow, for you're a regular beau yourself, Father, if ever there was one. With this filial joke his daughter smartened him up, and gave him a loving hug, and stood at the door with her weak child in her arms, and her strong child tumbling down the steps, looking after her little old father as he toddled away with his arm under Little Dorrit's.

I was solicitous to promote Miss Dorrit's happiness; and if I could have supposed that Miss Dorrit returned your affection Poor John Chivery turned crimson to the tips of his ears. 'Miss Dorrit never did, sir.

Falling asleep, and leaving great blocks of building materials dangling in the air; waking again, to resume work and get them into their places. What time the Courier in the rumble, smoking Young john's best cigars, left a little thread of thin light smoke behind perhaps as he built a castle or two with stray pieces of Mr Dorrit's money.

In the yard, was the man with the shadowy grievance respecting the Fund which the Marshal embezzled, who had got up at five in the morning to complete the copying of a perfectly unintelligible history of that transaction, which he had committed to Mr Dorrit's care, as a document of the last importance, calculated to stun the Government and effect the Marshal's downfall.

Mr Dorrit's bankers, as bankers of the county-widower, instantly said, 'Mrs General.

The sun had gone down full four hours, and it was later than most travellers would like it to be for finding themselves outside the walls of Rome, when Mr Dorrit's carriage, still on its last wearisome stage, rattled over the solitary Campagna.

For how often have I seen Miss Dorrit here when she has not seen me! 'Witnesses of what? said Clennam. 'Of Miss Dorrit's love. 'For whom? 'You, said John. And touched him with the back of his hand upon the breast, and backed to his chair, and sat down on it with a pale face, holding the arms, and shaking his head at him.

Upon which Flora returned to take care of her, and hovered about her on a sofa, intermingling kind offices and incoherent scraps of conversation in a manner so confounding, that whether she pressed the Marshalsea to take a spoonful of unclaimed dividends, for it would do her good; or whether she congratulated Little Dorrit's father on coming into possession of a hundred thousand smelling-bottles; or whether she explained that she put seventy-five thousand drops of spirits of lavender on fifty thousand pounds of lump sugar, and that she entreated Little Dorrit to take that gentle restorative; or whether she bathed the foreheads of Doyce and Clennam in vinegar, and gave the late Mr F. more air; no one with any sense of responsibility could have undertaken to decide.

Mr Dorrit's satisfaction in remembering that it had not been necessary for him to announce himself to Clennam and Co., or to make an allusion to his having had any knowledge of the intrusive person of that name, had been damped over-night, while it was still fresh, by a debate that arose within him whether or no he should take the Marshalsea in his way back, and look at the old gate.

Disconcerted by the cold and hard inquiry, Mr Dorrit was unable to assign any reason for his supposing so. 'I account for it, sir, she pursued after an awkward silence on Mr Dorrit's part, 'by having no doubt that he is travelling somewhere, or hiding somewhere. 'Do you know ha why he should hide anywhere? 'No. It was exactly the same No as before, and put another barrier up.

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