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The Swedish corporal showed Rip that he had only about eight feet of tape left. Kemp was almost down. Rip called, "Kemp, when you reach bottom, cut toward the center. Leave an inverted cone." "Got it, sir. Be up in two more cuts." Dominico had connected cable to the bomb terminals and was attaching a timer to the other end. Without the wooden case, the bomb was like a fat, oversized can.

She then stood over for Dominico with her prize. Late in the evening, however, the French frigate was seen about two leagues astern, upon which, Captain Faulkner, casting off the schooner, tacked and made sail to meet her. At a quarter-past twelve the Blanche tacked and came up with her.

Dominico had informed him that I was a stranger from California, which had the effect of eliciting from him various passages of exceeding politeness up to that moment. But he now came out in his true colors, and demanded haughtily, "Was this the pitiful sum what the gentleman intended as a recompense for his services?" Dominico shrugged his shoulders.

Perhaps she had recently suffered her own delectable lips to be pressed by the bearded mouth-piece of some tender and persuasive lover, and now sought to make atonement by kissing St. Nicholas! By all the powers of beauty, I'll forswear sack, Dominico, and try ha! here comes a devotee of another sort. Let us wait a while.

The host, honest Dominico Vincenzo Bifulco, will gladly corroborate the statement by bringing out for inspection a great blank-book in which successive companies of his guests from the laboratory have scrawled their names, written epigrams, or made clever sketches.

Bradshaw was an Englishman, Trudeau a Frenchman, Dominico an Italian, and Nunez a Brazilian. Rip liked their looks. They were as relaxed as acceleration would allow, but you got the impression that they would leap into action in a microsecond if the word were given. He couldn’t imagine what kind of assignment was waiting, but he was satisfied with his Planeteers. They looked capable of anything.

The banana-tree, which is seen in the plantations near the town, is not the great Platano harton; but the varieties camburi and dominico, which require less heat. The great plantains are brought to the market of Caracas from the haciendas of Turiamo, situated on the coast between Burburata and Porto Cabello.

I have two brothers, dear to me both of them, Diego and Bartholomew. My old father, Dominico Colombo, still lives in Genoa. He lives in poverty, as I have lived in poverty these many years. And there is Pedro Correo, to whom I owe much, husband of my wife's sister. My wife is dead. The mother of Fernando is not my wife, but I love her, and she is poor though beautiful and good.

"Koa can check me on this. I’d suggest making Pederson a sergeant and Dowst and Dominico corporals. Kemp and Santos already have promotions." "That would be my choice, too," Koa agreed. "Fine." Barris tapped the envelope. "I’ll correct the orders in here and recommend the promotions.

With any gravity or air resistance at all, the Italian couldn’t have carried even one. Rip smiled as Dominico glided along. He looked as though the tubes were floating him over the asteroid, instead of the other way around. Santos took the radiation detection instruments and the case with the astrogation equipment from Koa.