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"Why, Sprite Seaford!" cried Rose. "How did you dare to send fifty dollars in gold?" "Because," said Sprite, "I didn't send it by mail. I gave it to one of the very best men in this world, and that is Uncle John, to take it to pa for me, and he did. He rode over to Cliffmore last Saturday. That's a week ago, and don't you know it was a stormy day? Well, that's why we didn't go with him."

My grandmother did not appear at all alarmed at the price, though she cast another distrustful glance or two, over her spectacles, at the imaginary pedlar. At length the beauty of the watch overcame her. "If you will bring this watch to yonder large dwelling, I will pay you the hundred dollars for it," she said; "I have not as much money with me here."

I believe in the future of this country, in its latent wealth and its possibilities, and I am prepared to take on the town's uncompleted enterprise and assume its one hundred and thirty thousand dollars of liability. Gentlemen, what I have in mind goes further than any of you have ever imagined, and it needs more millions than you have conceived. Millions will be forthcoming.

"Fortunately I have some money with me," she said; "but you may as well take the five dollars, for unless Uncle had been willing to pay it he would not have called you back." "I think so, myself, miss," he rejoined, taking the money and handing her the volume.

"Yes; and he prayed in the presence of as good a set of men as was ever assembled together," added Smith. "Them was men those Congressmen. They didn't get eight dollars a day for making speeches." "No," put in Higgins, "but they earned a great deal more. Some of 'em lost all the property they had, during the war."

"Aunt Catherine sent me a little money," she said. "She sent me twenty-five dollars in a post-office order. She wrote me a letter and sent me the money for myself. She said the shops were not very good down there you know they are not, papa and I might like to buy some little things for myself in New York before coming. I said nothing about the money to Amy or the others, because I had this plan.

Each of the men still had a number of important things to say about prohibition, and now that each had a loyal listener in his dinner-partner he burst out: "I found a place where I can get all the hootch I want at eight a quart " "Did you read about this fellow that went and paid a thousand dollars for ten cases of red-eye that proved to be nothing but water?

It was not long before Dag Daughtry was getting his twenty dollars a night for two twenty-minute turns, and was declining more beer than a dozen men with thirsts equal to his could have accommodated. Never had he been so prosperous; nor can it be denied that Michael enjoyed it. Enjoy it he did, but principally for Steward's sake.

The remaining ninety-one per cent of the whole nation, constituting the bulk of the people, were classed as the poor, and divided among themselves the remaining seventeen million dollars.

Here, also, may be found those young girls who, leaving home in the morning and telling their parents they are going to work, remain all day; returning home again in the evening with, perhaps, a couple of dollars in their pockets, and at the end of the week hand their parents what the old people innocently suppose is the week's wages of their daughters, honestly obtained.