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To us, so high up, its vast shipping even including the giant Olympic seemed a collection of toy steamers. And all around the harbour were the white specks of toy tents. "Our mighty campaign looks, I s'pose, even smaller and more toy-like to Poseidon, sitting on Samothrace," mused Doe. "What insects we are! 'As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport."

If we saw a large old tree with some scratches on its bark, we concluded that a bear or some raccoons must be living there. In that case we did not go any nearer than was necessary, but later reported the incident at home. An old deer-track would at once bring on a warm discussion as to whether it was the track of a buck or a doe.

The big moment came. Fillet opened his mark-book and read the names in the order of last term's examination-list, which brought Doe's name first. Doe was mending a nib when his name was called, and, without raising his head, replied "100, sir." Other names followed, and the boys gave up the marks allotted them by Penny's system. Then came mine. "Ray?"

I saw 2 wolves in pursute of doe Elk which I beleive they Cought they very near her when She entered a Small wood in which I expect they cought her as She did not pass out of the small wood during my remaining in view of it which was 15 or 20 minits &c. passed the enterance of Several brooks on each Side, a Small river 30 yds wide with Steep banks on the Stard.

This railway from Johnson City, hanging on the edge of the precipices that wall the gorge of the Doe, is counted in this region by the inhabitants one of the engineering wonders of the world. The tourist is urged by all means to see both it and Linville Falls. The tourist on horseback, in search of exercise and recreation, is not probably expected to take stock of moral conditions.

It was his first big kill. His blood ran like fire. He snarled between his clamped teeth. Not until the last quiver had left the body over him did he pull himself out from under her chest and forelegs. He had killed a rabbit that day and was not hungry. So he sat back in the snow and waited, while the ravenous pack tore at the dead doe.

Lone turned his wrist to the right, and John Doe, obeying the rein signal, left the trail and began picking his way stiff-legged down the steep slope of the ridge, heading directly toward the home ranch. John Doe was streaked with sweat and his flanks were palpitating with fatigue when Lone rode up to the corral and dismounted.

He went toward her; she bounded forward, but only a little way. Three times she repeated the same trick, as if to allure him on. "Let us follow her," said Fido. "I will cut off the way and we will soon catch her." "Where is Pensive?" said Graceful. "What does it matter?" replied Fido; "it is the work of an instant. Trust to me I was born for the chase and the doe is ours."

And the stocke whereon those rootes doe grow is like an Elder tree: they make their ground in little hillocks and in each of them they thrust 4. or 5. stakes; and they gather the rootes a yeere and an halfe after they set them.

Bets were made, and the odds were slightly in favour of Doe. The sentiment of the school said that he ought to be played on the strength of the brilliant things he might do. The match drew nearer, and the secret as to the last man was severely kept, if, indeed, any decision had been come to. But Doe was establishing himself as favourite.