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Senter went on. "But he couldn't help falling in love, and to me they seem made for each other." I had to answer that of course I wasn't angry, but I thought any talk of love premature, to say the least. "You won't actually refuse your consent, then?" asked she. "Much good my refusing would do, if the girl really cares!" said I. "I shan't disinherit her, whatever she does." Mrs.

And I had already begun to regard her as my daughter-in-law, and to love her dearly in that position, although there were moments in which Jack's impudence and new spirit of opposition almost tempted me to disinherit him. "Eva," I said, "what is this that I hear of a public meeting in the streets?"

The marquis was of course most indignant at so flagrant an act on the part of his son, declaring that he would disinherit him and never see him again; and Madame de Valricour returned home well satisfied with her interview, to await, though not without some anxiety, such tidings as she might receive from M. de Crillon in the course of a few days.

"Elizabeth;" and he took her work from her hand, and laid it on the table. "My dear love! does Phyllis know?" "What, Richard?" "About Antony and the Hallam estate?" "No; I thought it best to let you tell her." "Because you were sure I would refuse it? Phyllis!" "Yes, Richard." "Your uncle is going to disinherit Antony; and he wishes me to become his heir and take his name."

George is much too high-minded a man ever to marry for money. A threat on your part that you would disinherit him in case of disobedience would only be followed by resistance on his." "Why, hang it, man, you don't call offering him eight or ten thousand a year threatening him?" Mr. Osborne said, with still provoking good humour. "'Gad, if Miss S. will have me, I'm her man.

I gave her a lecture on a woman's place and a woman's duty, and told her that if she didn't marry she'd have to stay here and live quietly with me, or I'd disinherit her." Hodder had become absorbed in this portrait of Alison Parr, drawn by her father with such unconscious vividness. "And then?" he asked. In spite of the tone of bitterness in which he had spoken, Eldon Parr smiled.

Her father insisted that she should marry again, and after exhausting arguments and entreaties, he had recourse to threats, declaring that he would disinherit her if she persevered in opposing his washes, and that if she persisted in going to Canada, it would cost him his life.

Perhaps, as John had told Lizzy, on the drive over, that her father had heard all about his business and his intentions, in that letter she did not see, the young lady had decided to disinherit him, and adopt Uncle Boynton in his place; rather an unfair proceeding, it is true, since the letter was withheld by John's special request; and, indeed, Lizzy didn't act like a "cruel parient" to her father, when he came, after uncle, to give her a welcome.

But when all is said, Walt Whitman is neither a Milton nor a Shakespeare; to appreciate his works is not a condition necessary to salvation; and I would not disinherit a son upon the question, nor even think much the worse of a critic, for I should always have an idea what he meant. What Whitman has to say is another affair from how he says it.

In his championship of Zoraya and her son, Abdul-Hassan imprisoned Ayesha and Boabdil, whom he threatened to disinherit. We are shown to-day the window in the Alhambra from which Ayesha lowered Boabdil in a basket, telling him to come back with an army and assert his rights.