United States or São Tomé and Príncipe ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I kept the gun levelled at him, aiming at his eye; and now, having him so close, and so directly under me, I thought there was little fear of the bullet being diverted from its proper direction by the water, so I fired.

Let's go!" as he started on a run for the testing shed. "Wait a minute!" crisply shouted Crane. "Don't go off half-cocked. What is your plan?" "Plan, hell!" barked the enraged chemist. "Chase 'em!" "Which way did they go, and when?" "Straight up, full power, twenty minutes ago." "Too long ago. Straight up has changed its direction several degrees since then.

Probably they were officers or crack shots among the Jehadieh and Arabs that fired into the zereba with the small bore Mausers. Most of their shooting was too high, though the direction was right enough. When the first phase of the action ceased at 8.30 a.m., hundreds, if not thousands of wounded dervishes upon the field rose and moved away.

"It's a Spiggoty hose company, as I live. Come on!" Already a glare could be seen above the crowded portion of the city, and the two set off in that direction at a run, leaving the bugle sounding in the rear and the gallant firemen still wrestling with their uniforms.

Our latitude was 45° 35' S., and longitude 189° 4' W. By the latitude, and the angles that are made by the coast, this point will be sufficiently known; there is, however, about three or four leagues to the south-west of it, and very near the shore, a remarkable saddle-hill, which is a good direction to it on that quarter.

They could not say they had seen none but they might have put off in such a direction as placed the burning vessel, and the thick smoke which floated landward from it, between their course and the witnesses' observation. That the ship destroyed was Dirk Hatteraick's, no one doubted. His lugger was well known on the coast, and had been expected just at this time.

Cecilia, on the contrary, had practised dreaming all her life and was not permanently disturbed by any vision that presented itself, nor by anything like a "phenomenon" which might accompany it. She felt that her dreams brought her nearer to a truth of some sort, hidden from most of the world, but of vital value, and after which she was groping continually without much sense of direction.

He dropped the articles back into the drawer and stood listening. Dick must be asleep by this time. But no, that was a voice from the direction of the nursery. It was the low tones of Hilda the nurse. "Now, go to sleep," she was saying. "You must stop rollin' an' tumblin' an' talkin'." "I know it is my Daddy," the childish voice was heard saying.

He had called on her once or twice before, on which occasions he had used without a word of comment the name by which she was known. 'I've come this time, he said, 'less because I was in this direction than to ask you, Mrs. Clark, what you mid well guess. I've come o' purpose, in short. She smiled. ''Tis to ask me again to marry you? 'Yes, of course.

He will be taught to master the lower principles, not only in the surmounting of them, but in the transmitting of the elemental forces toward his higher ends. Power may be obtained from this part of the mind, under the direction of the Will. And the student will be told how to set the unconscious Intellect to work for him. And he will be told how to develop and train the Will.