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He arranged a meeting, which his opponent regarded as an indication that he was willing to yield. There were present the contestant, his lawyer, Thor's counsel and Thor himself. "Before discussing the business that is before us," said Thor, "I think you would all enjoy, more or less, a record which I have in my dictagraph, and which I have just listened to with a great deal of pleasure."

But Locke's next words which she heard were his decision to test the diving-suit, and as she listened she became tense, for this information she knew was important. The continued note of tenderness in Locke's voice more infuriated Zita. She removed the headpiece of the dictagraph, slammed it back into the desk drawer from which she had taken it, and hurried out.

The fact that the dictagraph had been so frequently used for getting information that was later used in court was to him a sufficient justification of his conduct. It is well known that all children pass through the stage illustrated by these cases, in which they have the savage's conception of right and wrong.

She canceled her business with her detective agency. And they called in the shadows that haunted Charity's life. The detectives on Zada's trail, however, had more rewarding material to work with although they found unexpected difficulties, they said, in getting the dictagraph installed in her apartment.

He comes as the advocate of equal opportunity and he comes with the power to enforce his will. It was a strange happening, the way the disclosure was made and the Nation came to know of the Selwyn-Thor conspiracy to control the government. Thor, being without any delicate sense of honor, was in the habit of using a dictagraph to record what was intended to be confidential conversations.

One who was interested might have followed the wire from the dictagraph-box in the top drawer of the desk down the leg of the desk, through the very walls to the huge chandelier in the library below, where, in the ornamented brass-work, reposed a small black disk about the size of a watch. It was the receiving-end of the dictagraph.

Had his dictagraph been extended to the hedge he would have heard her voice rasp at Paul: "Your father may make you pay attention to this girl, Paul, but remember you had not better double cross me." Paul's protestations of underworld fidelity, would have added to Locke's fury. However, Locke had not seen or heard.

Back of the bar I see two men in a room, but they did not see me. One is Tim Meehan, the other is a stenographer. He is taking notes. Each of them has on the ear-muffs of a dictagraph. Looks like you'd better watch your step and not say nothing you don't want Tammany to print." The voice of Mrs. Earle rose in a shrill shriek. "Him a gilded saint?" she screamed; "you big stiff!

You're your own worst enemy, for these records, with your own dictagraph as the chief assistant prosecutor, have trapped you." Trubus raised his hands in terror and his iron nerve gave way completely. "Oh, my God!" he cried. "What will my wife and daughter think?" "You should have figured that out when you started all this," retorted Sawyer.

They did not wish to ruin the whole enterprise by too great haste especially as they were receiving eight dollars a day and liberal expenses per man. At last, however, Hodshon sent word to Mrs. Cheever that the dictagraph was installed and working to a T, and she could listen-in whenever she was ready. Charity was terrified utterly now.