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"I think," said P. Sybarite quietly "I may say though you can't see it that my present smile would, to a shrewd observer, seem to indicate I'd swallowed a canary-bird ... a nice, fat, golden canary-bird!" he repeated, smacking his lips with unction. "You talk as if you'd swallowed a dictagraph," said Peter Kenny. "It's my feeling," sighed P. Sybarite. "But yourself?

This is a combination of my record machine, which will be of interest to your profession." Bobbie examined it closely, but could not divine its purpose. "It is the application of the phonographic record to the dictagraph, so that police and detective work can be absolutely recorded, without the shadow of a doubt remaining in the minds of a trial jury or judge. Maybe this is boring you?"

Yet each was cautious not to betray too much to the other. Over the dictagraph came the words spoken by Eva, "Mr. Locke and I will come to your workshop at eight this evening to complete the transaction." Locke in the mean time had brought the two models into the library and the inventor had almost danced with joy at seeing the children of his brain again.

Again it seemed as if Paul were playing the game, either alone or with some one else. Just now it was apparent that Balcom and Zita, for their own ends, whatever might be the identity of the Automaton, planned a coup for themselves. During one of Locke's absences Zita had secured access to his laboratory, and while looking around had discovered the dictagraph hidden in the desk drawer.

It was from the chief of the Department of Justice himself, ordering Locke to stay at the house until he had secured the evidence that would allow the department to proceed against the company under the anti-trust law. That, then, was the explanation of the secret dictagraph which Locke had installed, the explanation of his apparent faithlessness to his employer.