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"Hippolytus Romanus," Dict. Christ. Polycarp seems to refer to Simon in the following passage in his Epistle Ad Philipp. In treating of eschatology and the beginning of things the human mind is ever beset with the same difficulties, and no matter how grand may be the effort of the intellect to transcend itself, the finite must ever fail to comprehend the infinite.

That is, the understanding of a chord as something TO BE RESOLVED, is indeed part of the feeling of tonality; but the ending on the tonic was that out of which this resolution- feeling grew. <1> Stumpf, op. Cit., p. 33. <2> Grove, Dict. Of Music and Musicians. Art. "Resolution."

Florence Wilson accompanied, as tutor, Cardinal Wolsey's nephew to Paris, and published at Lyons in 1543 his De Tranquillitate Animi Dialogus. Rose's Biog. Dict. xii. 508. When Johnson visited Boswell in Edinburgh, Mrs. Boswell 'insisted that, to show all respect to the Sage, she would give up her own bed-chamber to him, and take a worse. Boswell's Hebrides, Aug. 14. See post, April 18, 1778.

Thus did this philosopher reason, comparing the world with our own living existence, which he took to be air, an imperishable principle of life. Laert., ii. 3; Bayle, Dict. Diogenes thus refers the origin of the world to an intelligent being to a soul which knows and vivifies. Anaximenes regarded air as having Life. Diogenes saw in it also Intelligence.

L. Schmitz in Smith's Dict. of Greek and Roman Biog.: Art. Always, too, at evening, there was to be Religious teaching and reading of the Bible. Here, indeed, Milton's utilitarian bent, his determination to substitute a pabulum of real knowledge for the studies then customary in schools, asserts itself most conspicuously.

With a touch of his lips upon the hand of Margaret the Maid in token of fealty, Sholto MacKim turned on his heel and went away towards the fords of Thrieve, muttering to himself, "No, she does not mean it, I do believe. But I have ever heard that of all women she who never means it is the most dangerous." And this is a dict which no wise man can gainsay.

Dict. The Hangman of that Name, but now all his Successors. He exercised his office circa 1663-87. It was Ketch who bungled the execution of Monmouth. There are innumerable contemporary references to him. cf. Dryden's Epilogue to The Duke of Guise : 'Jack Ketch', says I, ''s an excellent physician. p. 286 The Nursery. Vide note, little Mrs. Ariell, Vol. II, p. 430-1. p. 287 King. Mr. Westwood.

To make such a choice, to commit temporal suicide, the very young should surely not be admitted. Mathieu, 43. Chassin, 25. Boiteau, 176. Bailly, 421. Mme. d'Oberkirch, 127. Mme. de Genlis, Dict. des Etiquettes, i. Ill n., Le Comte de Fersen et la Cour de France, I. xxix. The secular clergy was about as numerous as the regular.

Alexander Gordon, in his article on Zachary Taylor, Dict. Nat. Biog., says that Carrington probably wrote this book. This seems impossible. The author of the book, in speaking of Mr. Jollie, Mr. C. as having "exposed himself in so many insignificant Fopperies foisted into his Narrative" proof enough that Carrington did not write The Lancashire Levite Rebuked.

John's charter of concession, however, expressly affirms this consent, and the barons on one occasion seem to have confirmed the assertion. See J.H. Round's article on William in Dict. Nat. Biogr., vi. 229. See C.L. Falkiner in Proc. Royal Irish Acad., xxiv. c. pt. 4 . See Round, Commune of London, 261-277. Ralph of Coggeshall, 164-165. Walter of Coventry, ii, lviii. n. 4.