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At any rate, Cantianille, after being sent away from the convent, was exorcised by a certain priest of the diocese, abbé Thorey, who seems to have been contaminated by his patient. Soon at Auxerre there were such scandalous scenes, such frenzied outbursts of Diabolism, that the bishop had to intervene.

'Usually Milton. He looked at me. 'It was Milton, he certificatively added, 'who converted me to Diabolism. 'Diabolism? Oh yes? Really? said I, with that vague discomfort and that intense desire to be polite which one feels when a man speaks of his own religion. 'You worship the Devil? Soames shook his head. 'It's not exactly worship, he qualified, sipping his absinthe.

Diabolism seemed to be a cheerful, even a wholesome, influence in his life. There was, I felt, quite a swing about that first stanza a joyous and rollicking note of comradeship. The second was slightly hysterical perhaps. But I liked the third: it was so bracingly unorthodox, even according to the tenets of Soames' peculiar sect in the faith. Not much 'trusting and encouraging' here!

I do not now believe that this was so; I can hardly think that members of the humane profession of medicine would be guilty of such subtle diabolism worse even than poisoning the wells from which an enemy must drink.

But an attempt on the part of the Church to fasten the charge of diabolism on the Masonic Fraternity has credibly another motive than that of political hostility, which seems held to justify almost any weapon that comes to hand. At the bottom of her hatred of Masonry there is also her dread of the mystic.

He wasn't resented. It didn't occur to anybody that he or his Catholic diabolism mattered. I meant, but forgot, to buy it. I never saw it, and am ashamed to say I don't even remember what it was called. But I did, at the time of its publication, say to Rothenstein that I thought poor old Soames was really a rather tragic figure, and that I believed he would literally die for want of recognition.

Before the year 1891 the diabolism identified with Masonry was almost exclusively intellectual.

Would any other Government intermingle so foolishly, so childishly its State and Federal authority as to permit such diabolism? Here lay the legitimate fruit of the State's essential hoodlumism. Here was the answer to local self-government to democracy.

And now, these Christmas holidays, the diabolism seemed to her to be rampant; it effervesced through all Scott's being like the mysterious things he brewed within his test-tubes. Not that Mrs. Brenton would have known a test-tube by sight, however. She only had gleaned from her son's talk the fact that they existed and held fizzy compounds which would kill you, if you drank them.

Well, he could not, like the Péladan and Papus tribe, be content with knowing nothing, so he went to Scotland, where Diabolism is rampant. There he got in touch with the man who, if you stake him, will initiate you into the Satanic arcana. My friend made the experiment.