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Double!" sez Crook. "Blow, child, blow for the honour of the British Arrmy!" 'That bhoy blew like a typhoon, an' the Tyrone an' we opined out as the Paythans broke, an' I saw that fwhat had gone before wud be kissin' an' huggin' to fwhat was to come. We'd dhruv thim into a broad part av the gut whin they gave, an' thin we opined out an' fair danced down the valley, dhrivin' thim before us.

Captain Sahib's order!" an' widout a sign she jumped in all among her own kit. 'I laid to an' dhruv like steam to the Colonel's house before the Colonel was there, an' she screamed an' I thought she was goin' off. Out comes the ayah, saying all sorts av things about the Capt'n havin' come for the kit an' gone to the station. "Take out the luggage, you divil," sez I, "or I'll murther you!"

'Is th' riferee again thim? 'I can't make it out, he says, while a tear sthud in his eye. 'Whin I think iv Leonidas at th' pass iv Thermometer, he says, 'an' So-an'-so on th' field iv Marathon an' This-or-that th' Spartan hero, he says, 'I cannot undherstand f'r th' life iv me why th' Greeks shud have been dhruv fr'm pillar to post be an ar-rmy iv slaves.

They come in platoons an' squads an' dhroves. Some iv thirn brought along brass bands, an' more thin wan hundherd thousand iv thim dhruv through me pipes on dhrays. A throlley line was started up me back, an' ivry car run into a wagon-load iv scrap iron at th' base iv me skull. "Th' Mickrobes in me head must 've done thimsilves proud.

"You long, lazy, black-haired swine," drawled Ortheris, who would have done the same thing under similar circumstances. "'Twas the height av policy. That naygur-man dhruv miles an' miles as far as the new railway line they're buildin' now back av the Tavi river. ''Tis a kyart for dhirt only, says he now an' again timoreously, to get me out av ut.

I'm a judge of a seegyar meself, though the bum smokes they do be makin' nowadays has dhruv me to the pipe. No offense to you, Mr. Farrel, for no doubt ye carry a better line nor most. If ye like I'll introduce ye to Bob Shiller, that keeps the hotel " "Look here," snapped Farwell, at the end of his patience, "I'm Farwell, the engineer come down to take charge of this irrigation job.

"Whin all was in the house again, I niver asked for bukshish but dhruv tremenjus in the opp'site way from the other carr'ge an' put out my lights. Presintly, I saw a naygur-man wallowin' in the road. I slipped down before I got to him, for I suspicioned Providence was wid me all through that night. 'Twas Jungi, his nose smashed in flat, all dumb sick as you please.

The beggar-man was at once challenged to divest himself of half his clothes or enter the contest. He entered, with the result that Ballymena lost the championship! The concluding round as Hughie recited it was as follows: "I dhruv a nail throo th' moon wanst," said Jack.

"Divil a shaky," interposed the hon. member for Tipperary. "Arrah, fwy wud the chap call on the Daity? Fishper did ye iver foine justice in a coort? Be me sowl, Oi'd take the man's wurrd agin all the coorts in Austhrillia. An' more betoken divil blasht the blame Oi'd blame him fur sthrekin a match, whin dhruv to that same." All mix eh? "Much the same in English, Theophile," I observed.

'Whin all was in the house again, I niver asked for bukshish but dhruv tremenjus in the opp'site way from the other carr'ge an' put out my lights. Presintly, I saw a naygur man wallowin' in the road. I slipped down before I got to him, for I suspicioned Providence was wid me all through that night. 'Twas Jungi, his nose smashed in flat, all dumb sick as you please.