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Leonarde who has made herself as hideous as possible as a fitting punishment for all his deviltries, rodomontades, and cowardice. Pandolphe, thoroughly disgusted with Matamore at last, makes no further objections to Leander's suit, and the curtain falls as he gives his consent to the marriage of the two young lovers.

After that it was impossible to feign ignorance as to the interior workings and deviltries of motor cars. The Upper Corniche Road is perhaps the most charming driveway of the world and I say this with due reverence to Amalfi.

I wish you had not come, my good Judith; it can do no good to me, while it may do great harm to yourself." "I can share your fate," the girl answered with generous enthusiasm. "They shall not injure you while I stand by, if in my power to prevent it besides " "Besides, what, Judith? What means have you to stop Injin cruelties, or to avart Injin deviltries?"

They got together to wipe out their grudges and sometimes they didn't need any grudge and let loose their deviltries just for pure orneriness; setting haystacks afire and such like; or, where a farmer had offended them, they would put on their silly toggery and take him out at midnight and whip him and plunder his house and chase the horses and cattle into his corn, maybe.

He worked his way up through the Forbidden Society as all adepts did, by various kinds of murder and job lots of assorted deviltries, until he got clear to the top the seventy-seventh mystery...." "The secret of eternal youth!" gasped Baxter, awed in spite of himself.

I was suddenly bowled over, thrown to the ground, as if by a sort of meteor. The corridor was dark; I could see nothing. I heard only a mocking growl. The white Targa had flattened himself back against the wall. "Good," I mumbled, picking myself up, "the deviltries are beginning." We continued on our way. A glow different from that of the rose night lights soon began to light up the corridor.

The mere fact of his defense of them in words, and his association with them, seemed to convict him there in the silence of that black-walled court of night. It was either that he was blinded to the deviltries of his associates by his own high intentions, or as shrewdly dishonest as any scoundrel that ever rode the wilds. He could be that, and carry it off before a sharper judge than she.

"He was a gay, mad young dog, grandly careless of his largess, fearless as a lion's whelp, lithe and beautiful as a leopard, and mad, a trifle mad of the deviltries and whimsies that tickled in that fine brain of his. Look you, steward.

"It is a very great medicine. It has saved my life many times. I want a sled and dogs, and six of your hunters to travel with me down the river and give me safety to one day's sleep from Michaelovski Redoubt." "You must live here, and teach us all of your deviltries," was the reply. Subienkow shrugged his shoulders and remained silent.

The hard-working householder who, on some bitter evening, glances over the Saturday Evening Post for a square and honest look at his wife is envious of those gaudy drummers who go gallivanting about the country with scarlet girls; hence the Mann act. If these deviltries were equally open to all men, and all men were equally capable of appreciating them, their unpopularity would tend to wither.