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Had he declared that he would write three treatises to show the ideas which different men had taken up about the gods he would be nearer to the truth. We have an idea of what was Cicero's real notion of that "dominans in nobis deus" that god which reigns within us and which he declares in Scipio's dream to have forbidden us to commit suicide.

When things were thus at their blackest they suddenly took an unexpected turn, and the deus ex machina appeared precisely at the right moment, just as if we had all been puppets in a sensation novel. There was the usual momentary silence, and then, mixed with the sound of an approaching tarantass, a confused murmur: "There he is! He is coming!"

So soon as the aurora appears in the east, I shall celebrate mass, in thanksgiving for the blessing of a letter from the Holy Father, and for the safe return of my messenger. I shall not need your presence nor that of any of the brethren, save those whose watch it chances to be. . . . Benedicite." "Deus," responded Father Benedict, bowing low.

To each of these points he answered yes, that is so, and added that all was being done to alter the state of affairs, especially as regards the Hungarian deliveries. But no one, not even His Majesty, has been able to get anything done. We can only hope that some deus ex machina may intervene to save us from the worst."

Or again, when Anselm in the Cur Deus Homo speaks of the satisfaction which is rendered to God for the infringement of His honour by sin a satisfaction apart from which there can be no forgiveness we may feel again, and even more strongly, that the form of the thought is inadequate to the substance.

After this responsory, if the Office be of double rite or be an Office within an octave, or on the vigil of Epiphany or on Friday or Saturday after Ascension, or on a Sunday on which a double is commemorated, or an octave is celebrated, or on a semi-double feast within an octave, Dominus vobiscum, Et cum spiritu tuo, and the prayer Dominus Deus omnipotens is said.

Thus will I work my battery of death, stroke after stroke, upon his fragile body, until the troop of furies close upon him with Despair! Deus ex machina! Hermann! HERMANN. At your service, gracious sir! You will not find it that of an ungrateful master. HERMANN. I have proofs of this. FRANCIS. And you shall have more soon very soon, Hermann! I have something to say to thee, Hermann.

Abraham, § 1; Quod Deus immut., § 6; De confus. ling., § 9, 14 and 28; De profugis, § 20; De Somniis, i. § 37; De Agric. The comparisons which have been made between it and the Honover of the Parsees are also without foundation. The comparisons which have been attempted between the Alexandrian theory of the Word and certain points of Egyptian theology may not be entirely without value.

When this was done they returned in procession to the great Chapel, before the tomb of the blessed Cid, and then the choir began the anthem Mirabilis Deus, saying it to the organ.

And then the affectionate note, the plaint in those sacred songs: Deus, Deus meus! "O God! O my God!" The Divinity was no longer a cold abstraction, a phantom that withdrew into an unapproachable infinite; He became the actual possession of the loving soul. He leant over His poor scarred creature, took him in His arms, and comforted him like a kind father.