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Ben leaped for his life, instinctively aiming for the shelter of the log against which he had inclined his rifle; but the blow came too soon. He was aware only of the rush of air as he leaped, an instant's hovering at the crest of a depthless chasm, then the sense of a mighty, resistless blow hurling him into infinity. Ben's rifle, catching the full might of the blow, was broken like a match.

She had spoken to him cheerfully, ignoring his mood, and he had replied irritably, like a bad-tempered child who resents some unnecessary claim upon its attention. But she did not observe him closely. Had she done so, she might have noticed a curious glazing of the eyes as they lifted to follow her shining and depthless like blue steel. "I do not expect to stay long, father," she told him.

There were no birds, no animals, nothing living except the giant columns which bore a woven canopy of leaves so dense that no glimmer of blue shone through. Centuries had spread the soundless carpet that we trod; eons had laid up the high-sprung arches which vanished far above us where vault and column were dimly merged, losing all form in depthless shadow.

And a few moments later they reached the headland, and the Atlantic lay below, flowing azure from horizon to horizon under a universe of depthless blue. And for a long while neither spoke. With her the spell endured until conscience began to stir. Then she awoke, uneasy as always, under the shadow of restraint or pressure, until her eyes fell on him and lingered.

I was as if walking in a Gorgon's ice-palace, with magnificent, clear crystals, and noble, transparent pillars, and all the artifice of beauty and comfort, but evermore a deep chill from the lavish elegance. When he had done, I knew he had done his utmost, that he had exhausted hope. In him I found none of that depthless background which genius ever offers.

She turned aside in disgust at the thought. "When do you suppose he happened to fall to his death there, Kay?" "In the darkness when the Huns scattered after the crucifixion. Perhaps the horror of it came suddenly upon him God knows what happened when he stepped outward into depthless space and went crashing down to hell." They had stayed their hunger on the rations.

A heavenly sort of intoxication possessed him; a paradise of divine unrealities seemed to surround him Shiela, the clustering pines, the strange white sunlight, the depthless splendour of the unshadowed blue above.

Twenty miles of rock were hurled out by the firm hand on the space-stick, and that hand only increased its driving pressure when the screaming of the air died away in the depthless silence of outer space.

Below decks, a blue globe here and there emitted a feeble glimmer, marking corridors which pierced a depthless darkness. No noise was permitted on board, no smoking, no other lights in cabin or saloon.

There was only one way and that lay over the white shoulder of Thusis a cul-de-sac, according to all guide-books, and terminating in a rest-hut near a cave glistening with icy stalagmites called Thusis's Hair. Beyond this there was nothing no path, no progress possible only a depthless gulf unabridged and the world of mountains beyond.