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If he wasn't going to marry her, what did he ever get engaged to her for?" Carroll nodded. "Certainly sounds reasonable." He paused, and then: "Where were you about midnight last night?" "I was" Barker's figure stiffened defensively, and his eyebrows drew down over the deep-set eyes "I was just shootin' some pool." "Shooting pool?" "Un-huh!" "Where?" "At Kelly's place." "Where is that?"

The ringleader of the mischief-makers, the young butcher who has before figured in this narrative, looked at him stealthily, whenever he got a chance to study him unobserved; for the truth was, he felt uncomfortable, whenever he found the large, dark eyes fixed on his own little, sharp, deep-set, gray ones.

His iron gray hair is brushed straight back from his forehead, overlapping his collar behind. His eyes are deep-set and twinkling; nose prominent; cheeks slightly sunken; brow wide and high; and chin and jaw strong and marked. His moustache droops over a firm, well-cut mouth and unites at its ends with a gray goatee which rests on his shirt front.

The forehead is small, and but little prominent, and in several languages of these countries, to express the beauty of a woman, they say that 'she is fat, and has a narrow forehead. The eyes of the Chaymas are black, deep-set, and very elongated: but they are neither so obliquely placed, nor so small, as in the people of the Mongol race.

All the way up from Wall Street this little man had sat quietly observing through his deep-set grey eyes every man or woman who had entered or left the car. His figure was slight, and the office pallor that overspread his serious face seemed to give to his eyes a singular intensity of gaze. Now he peered intently out at the people on the Fourteenth Street platform.

"Let me go!" she cried. "Sir Julien, but you are rough. Monsieur!" He flung her from him back into the chair. In his left hand he held the pistol he had taken from the bosom of her gown a dainty little affair of ivory and silver. He turned it over curiously. She lay back in the chair where he had thrown her, gripping its sides with tremulous fingers, her eyes deep-set, distended, staring at him.

Owen as "Sally." At a moment when Sylvia had begun to feel the least bit awkward at being the only silent member of the company, the minister spoke to her. He had seemed at first glance a stoical person; but his deep-set, brown eyes were bright with good humor. "These old sea dogs made a lot of history. I suppose you know a good deal about the sea from your grandfather."

In the deep-set eyes came a twinkle that lit them up like tiny electrics. "Has the man a broken leg and a daughter?" "No, sir." "Then buy the dog, Ferris." It was with grave misgiving that old Frank, Irish setter, followed little Tommy Earle out of the precincts of the big shaded yard and into the hot field of rustling corn, twice as tall as they.

So it was this fellow passenger who had given these fugitives refuge; it was his presence in these parts which had decided Kirby to make the venture ashore. He glanced up at our entrance, the glare of light overhead revealing a deep, ugly scar across his chin, and a pair of deep-set, scowling eyes. "Back in time fer supper, hey, Kennedy," he growled, none too cordially. "Who's yer frien'?"

I believe him to be about as honest as the great run of the world, with something even approaching to high-mindedness. His person in some degree accords with his character, thin and with a thin face, sharp features, sallow, a projecting brow not very high, deep-set eyes, an insinuating smile and look, when he meets you, and is about to address you.